Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Matt Barber is talking about 'gay sex' and Satan again

Matt Barber
Sometimes you have to wonder how sad these religious right spokespeople truly are. Matt Barber of the Liberty Counsel is a perfect example. Not only does he seem to have a fascination with "attacking gay sex," but he seems to love linking the lgbt community with Satan. One has to wonder does this man really think he is spreading truth by saying the statements below. 


Anonymous said...

Many people think homosexuality is vile and a sin. I realize you will never change your bigotry or narrow thinking. I am also sure that homosexuality is not going away no matter how much you pray; no matter if you beat us; no matter if you kill us! Hetrosexuals will continue to produce homosexual babies.

What I purpose to the Hetrosexuals is this: Vote to allow us to marry our own kind. That way you don't have to worry about us taking your wife, husband, or children. Let us marry our own kind and we will live our lives and you can live yours without fear.

The thing I fear is not the hetrosexuals. What I fear is what is going to happen if the LGBTQ folks aren't allowed to have equality. I fear an attitude that is out there. I fear, if not allowed to marry who they love, they will go to any length to get the benefits that hetrosexuals are afforded, even to the point of marriaage.

Is this what you want? You fear this because you can't tell homosexuals from hetrosexuals. We are everywhere! After all, it is all about fear that keeps you from acceptance.

Anonymous said...

Let me say it CLEARLY- right from the Beginning, Adam & Eve, Adam & Steve, Madam and Eve diversity has always been part and parcel of the creation scenario, whether that scenario was accidental or planned. It has always been as natural a genetic possibility as brown eyes vs. blue eyes.

That there are more brown-eyed people than blue-eyed does not make blue-eyes unnatural. It only makes them a variable.

Homosexuality (to be clinical) exists in every culture, every race, every age.