Thursday, June 10, 2010

Make the Health and Human Services aware of Peter Sprigg's anti-gay bias

This idea came from Jeremy Hooper of

I would suggest that more of us get involved to do this sort of thing. The following is my email to the Health and Human Services Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability (ACBSA):

Dear Health and Human Services Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability (ACBSA):

As I understand it,  tomorrow you will be hearing testimony from Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council concerning the ban on gay blood donors.

While I understand the need for parity and listening to both sides of an issue, please bear in mind that Sprigg is not an unbiased or an accurate witness in matters of the gay community.

In 2008, he has advocated for the exportation of gays out of the United States and earlier this year, on Hardball with Chris Matthews, he said that "gay behavior" should be outlawed.

Again, I understand the need for parity, but when one is dealing with a serious issue such as this, it is crucial that one hears accurate and unbiased testimony so that the right course of action will be taken.

You will not receive accurate and unbiased testimony from Sprigg.

Thank you for your time,

Alvin McEwen
Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters

The email address for the Health and Human Services Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability (ACBSA) is

Feel free to cc: Jerry Holmberg, Ph.D., Senior Advisor for Blood Policy and Richard Henry, Deputy Director for Blood Policy and Programs (,

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Is this what Peter LaBarbera want to teach youths about the gay community?

Since news came out yesterday of Peter LaBarbera trying to start a "Truth Academy" designed to fight the alleged "gay agenda" and "reverse years of pro-”gay” brainwashing in the schools and popular culture," I couldn't help but to ruminate over it.

The news of LaBarbera's "Truth Academy" was met with derision by some. But let's not be so quick to totally laugh it off, especially when one takes into account who his "instructors" are going to be.

LaBarbera's tenative list is a veritable who's who when it comes to disseminating false and dehumanizing data on lgbts, such as Matt Barber, seen here at the religious right "Great Awakening" panel discussion on lgbt rights, where gay rights are linked to the raping of disabled veterans, child molestation, bestiality, and fecal matter:

One wonders if LaBarbera will invite homophobic Ugandan Martin Ssempa to teach students. After all, this sort of thing seems to be up his alley:

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