Tuesday, September 14, 2010

SC Republicans stoop racially LOW

I was going to write a piece on the consistent distortion of the word "values," but the following caught my eye from Fits News:

The National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) held its annual fall Board of Directors meeting in Charleston, S.C. last weekend – a decision the organization is likely regretting after several controversial pictures from one of the meeting’s sponsored events began surfacing on the internet.

One of the pictures shows S.C. Senate President Glenn McConnell - who FITS readers will recall enjoys dressing up as a Confederate General – posing in his Rebel garb with a pair of African-Americans dressed in, um, “antebellum” attire.

The event in question – dubbed “The Southern Experience” – was held last Friday evening at the Country Club of Charleston. Hosted by the South Carolina Federation of Republican Women, it was included on the national conference’s official itinerary.

In addition to McConnell, S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford attended (and spoke at) the event – although it was not listed on his weekly public schedule. S.C. Republican Attorney General nominee Alan Wilson also attended.

Invited speakers to the NFRW conference included U.S. House Majority Leader John Boehner, Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, RNC Chairman Michael Steele, Rep. Joe Wilson, House Speaker Bobby Harrell, former U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins and GOP gubernatorial nominee Nikki Haley.

Fits News has more pictures posted on its site.

Okay accuse me of political correctness all you want, but I'd like to hear who exactly these two black folks were "portraying" during that experience. How about a "real experience" and tying the brother to a tree and whipping his back or . . . modesty precludes me from saying what should be done to the "sista'" but you get the picture.

I don't think its necessarily a good thing to celebrate some mess like this. But in a state where the Confederate flag hangs at the State House and where there also resides a statue devoted to an "unashamed" racist (Ben "Pitchfork" Tillman) who proudly bragged about using violence to keep African-Americans disenfranchised, what else can you expect? 

"Southern experience" my ass!

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Bullying leads to child's suicide and other Tuesday midday news briefs

Friends: Bullies Led To 15-Year-Old's Death - Sad situation which needs to be remedied despite what your beliefs about homosexuality may be.

John Amaechi alleges racism at gay bar - I don't know what the particulars are in this case, but racism in the lgbt community as well as socioeconomic factors and access to resources and circles of power are things which must be addressed. It's no good talking about equality if it means equality for some based on superficial characteristics.

Witness in New DADT Trial: No Stigma Against Gays in His Unit - Yet ANOTHER reason why DADT must be repealed.

James Meeks, Potential Mayoral Candidate, Draws Ire of Gay Rights Supporters - Well thanks a lot Mr. Meeks. I hope we bore you sufficiently.

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Senate to hit on DADT repeal next week. Time for the fight

ABC News is reporting the following:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid plans to bring to the Senate floor next week the 2011 defense authorization bill that includes a repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, aides said today.

Reid informed Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of his decision during a meeting this afternoon.

Earlier this year Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., objected to bringing up the bill because of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal and a provision permitting abortions to take place at military hospitals provided federal funds are not used.

The House voted earlier this year to repeal the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy.

Reid’s decision to bring up the defense bill means that it will likely be the one major piece of legislation that the Senate tackles before the November mid-term elections. Later this week Reid and Democrats hope to finish work on a small business bill that has been stalled since earlier this summer.

Everyone seems to be twiddling their thumbs here and such but I would suggest that you call your Senators and give them an earful to repeal this ban. The pressure is not just on Obama or the Democrats but on us also. I hear a lot of folks ready to give Obama hell, and it is deserved to a point. But what isn't needed is the mouths of those willing to spin a cute phrase when they get disappointed but not willing to put in the work which needs to be done.

This is our victory to be won through hard work. It won't be given to us on a silver platter.

From the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network:

Call and urge your senators to make passage of repeal legislation a top priority the week of September 20th. And ask them to urge their Joint Leadership (Senators Reid and McConnell) to schedule this vote.

(202) 224-3121

A full Senate floor vote is one of the last major legislative hurdles that stands in the way of repeal. Unfortunately, Senator John McCain has been a vocal opponent of repeal from the start. He has indicated that he, along with other repeal foes, will pull out all the stops in coming weeks - from attempting to strike repeal language from the NDAA to offering weakening amendments or threatening to filibuster the entire defense budget.

We cannot let that happen.

If the defense budget bill doesn't move to the Senate floor by the end of this month, DADT repeal may not happen for several more years.

Call these key senators now. We need a repeal vote the week of September 20th.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)
(202) 224-3542

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
(202) 224-2541

Senator John McCain (R-AZ)
(202) 224-2235

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