Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Janice Crouse - another phony expert of the religious right

The following video is a perfect demonstration of the slick ways so-called religious right experts pass along propaganda and lies about the lgbtq community

Janice Crouse of Concerned Women for America has done this sort of thing before. Last year in fact.

And just like that time, she does not say where she got her statistics. It's probably because she either relying on junk science or distortions of legitimate science.

When it comes to legitimate science, religious right phony experts, like Ms. Crouse here, have been known to take convenience sample studies - i.e. studies taken at STD clinics or studies in which the authors have indicated cannot be taken to generalize about the entire gay community - and distort them to demonize lgbtqs in mass.

Or when they talk about negative behaviors (i.e. suicide) and diseases in the gay community - and Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council is a master at this - they are quick to cite the studies talking about these things but omit the portion of the studies which places the blame on how societal homophobia contributes to these diseases and negative behaviors.

Let's look at Crouse's claim that gays live 20 years less than heterosexuals (.11 seconds). My guess is that she received statistic from the 1997 Oxford study (which I have talked about more times than I can count).

Those who know of this 1997 study also know that in 2001, the authors of the work had to go on record complaining about how folks like Crouse was distorting their work.

As you can see, Crouse doesn't really care. As long as she has something to demonize gays, she will continue to use it.

Just like every other phony religious right "expert."

Related posts:

CWA's Janice Crouse crams a bunch of anti-gay lies in one statement 
How religious right groups distort legitimate research to demonize the gay community

Editor's note - The attached video is a short snippet. The longer version is here and as you can see, Crouse does NOT provide any statistics for her charges.

Hat tip to Right Wing Watch

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  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    It should also be pointed out that this phony "sex expert" earned her Phd in communications.

  2. Did she seriously just say that straight marriages last longer than gay relationships?

    The only shocking part about that is which of the two differences between them was more relevant in making that true.
    Marriages are relationships that have already been going for a while and whose partners vow to stay together forever.
    No group's marriages should fail to outlast any group's relationships as a whole.

    Very few gay men have the same partner for their whole life? What's she mean by "partner", exactly? Given her next comment about how many partners lesbians have (exaggerated as that number presumably is), it sounds like she means sexual partner.
    So her admitting that any gay men pull that off at all when so few straight people do is actually very meaningful, but she probably hoped people would hear a committed partner even if it's not what she meant (and that's why I don't like people using the word "partner" that way, it's just too vague and has too many other uses; I mean, do what you want, but I can't believe that one got popular).
