Monday, December 19, 2011

Chuck Norris - the fraud who won't stand up to real injustice

Chuck Norris is an action movie star - and a bad one. But he should stay that way. His forays into politics reveal his basic ignorance.

He has penned a piece for the American Family Association whining about how the Obama Administration has declared war on religion. Personally I don't think he wrote it. I think someone else wrote it and he attached his name to it because it reads like the usual religious right hogwash.

But two items on his supposed list of grievances caught my eye:

Here is why the two items caught my eye. The first item is a basic lie. And that can be easily be proven by the link contained in the item. The Washington Post article which it links to clearly says:

The Pentagon will permit military chaplains to perform same-sex marriage as long as such ceremonies are not prohibited in the states where they reside, it said Friday.

Defense Department guidance issued to military chaplains said they may participate in ceremonies on or off military bases in states that recognize gay unions. Chaplains are not required to officiate at same-sex weddings if doing so is counter to their religious or personal beliefs, the guidance said.

The second claim I illuminated is important because it illustrates the fraud that Chuck Norris is exposing himself to be:

Secretary Clinton was not demonizing religious beliefs. She was calling attention to the fact that in some foreign countries, lgbtqs persecuted by ways of beatings, vicious murders, forced rapes, and forced reparative therapy:

Today, I want to talk about the work we have left to do to protect one group of people whose human rights are still denied in too many parts of the world today. In many ways, they are an invisible minority. They are arrested, beaten, terrorized, even executed. Many are treated with contempt and violence by their fellow citizens while authorities empowered to protect them look the other way or, too often, even join in the abuse. They are denied opportunities to work and learn, driven from their homes and countries, and forced to suppress or deny who they are to protect themselves from harm.

Chuck Norris considers himself an action hero. He has starred in many motion pictures and a television show (Walker, Texas Ranger) portraying himself as someone who fights against injustice. As such, Norris has been shown fictionally preventing innocent people from beaten, killed, or generally terrorized.

How is it that this man who has made a career out of being a hero to the persecuted in motion pictures and television can conveniently ignore actual cases of people being persecuted simply because these people are gay?

The answer is clear. Chuck Norris is a liar and a fraud. His persona is nothing much than  phony macho bravado.

Chuck Norris can't stand up to injustice because he simply doesn't know what real injustice is.  The only type of injustice he knows belongs on a soundstage. It begins when the director says "action" and ends when the same director yells "cut."

Somehow, because of all of the years in this phony world, Norris sees himself as an actual heroic figure.

A little advice, Chuck. Stay in the land of make-believe. In real-life, you just don't measure up to your image.

Hat tip to

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Student files lawsuit claiming 'homosexual indoctrination'

Here we go again. Another student is suing another school claiming that his religious beliefs were violated.

From The Dallas Voice:

This week, the Thomas More Law Center, a conservative Christian legal foundation, filed suit in federal court on behalf of Sandra Glowacki, a Catholic, who claims that the Howell Public School District in Howell, Mich., and teacher Johnson “Jay” McDowell violated the constitutional rights of her son, 16-year-old Daniel Glowacki, when McDowell kicked him out of class on Oct. 20, 2010 — when the school district was observing anti-bullying day and Spirit Day — because Daniel Glowacki told McDowell that as a Catholic, his religion prevented him from supporting gay rights.

The lawsuit claims that McDowell wore a “Tyler’s Army” T-shirt that day in memory of gay college student Tyler Clementi, who had committed suicide after being bullied, and that McDowell had used his class all day to “promote homosexuality.” The lawsuit says McDowell had told a female student to remove a Confederate flag belt buckle because he was offended by it. Then when Daniel Glowacki asked why it was OK to display a rainbow flag promoting LGBT rights, McDowell asked whether Glowacki supported gay rights. When Glowacki said his religion prohibited him from doing so, McDowell made him and another student with similar views leave the class.

McDowell was suspended for violating school district policy, but the suspension was later lifted to settle the grievance complaint Johnson filed.

The Dallas Voice is quick to point out the resemblance of this case to the one of Dakota Ary. A few months ago, a student in a Texas school, Dakota Ary, claimed that he was suspended for merely saying that homosexuality was a sin. However, after the unfortunate media blitz done by Ary's mother and the Liberty Counsel - the group hired by her, it was discovered that perhaps Ary's version of the story was not necessarily true. There were questions whether Ary and a few students were harassing the teacher long before the incident.

Based upon that case and so many other incidents in which religious right groups haven't been forthcoming on details, I reserve the right to not necessarily believe this young man's version of the story. And I have a few questions:

1. What were the exact words said in the conversation which led Glowacki to be kicked out of class.

2.Why was the other student kicked out of class with Glowacki?

3. The teacher was reprimanded for kicked Glowacki out of class, but the reprimand was lifted.  Why? He was  also suspended for one day because of the incident, but was reimbursed for those wages. Again, why?

And here is something that's interesting. This is what the lawsuit says:

The lawsuit also alleges that the Howell district, in cooperation with teacher unions, “indoctrinates students to believe that homosexuality is normal and … that religious opposition … is harassment, bullying, hate speech and homophobic.” 

It sounds like to me that the Thomas More Center is exploiting this one incident to attack  and maybe eliminate whatever "gay-friendly" policy this school may have.

Whatever the case may be, count on seeing another right-wing media blitz. Only this time, I hope people reserve judgement until the entire story comes out.

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