Thursday, May 22, 2014

Harvey Milk stamp officially unveiled at the White House

At a ceremony in the White House earlier today, there was an official unveiling of the United States postal stamp of legendary gay activist, Harvey Milk. Ain't it awesome:

Anti-gay leaders incapable of introspection in light of marriage equality losses

One would think that in light of their recent losses in Oregon and Pennsylvania with regards to marriage equality in the courts, anti-gay group leaders would have just a little introspection about the emptiness of their arguments


Matt Barber, a constitutional law expert with Liberty Counsel Action, believes governors need to turn their backs on federal court decisions against traditional marriage. He describes the decision in Pennsylvania by Judge Jones as "cartoonish." "This decision is absolutely outrageous and it reads like a parody," he tells OneNewsNow. "We have moved beyond judicial activism into judicial imperialism." Barber, Matt (Liberty Counsel) Barber, founder of, says the problem can be rectified. On a federal level, he suggests the other two branches of government "reject and start pushing back" against what he calls a "false, counter-constitutional notion of judicial supremacy." On a state level? "It's time for governors to reject these opinions, and that's what they are," states Barber, pointing out that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that states can determine the definition of marriage. "[They need to] say No thank you, we are a sovereign state and we are going to adhere to our constitution in this state." And finally, he adds: "... These judges who have abdicated their sworn duty to defend the United States Constitution [and] who are legislating from the bench? They need to be impeached."

Diane Gramley of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania tells OneNewsNow she's looking to Congress to take action against judges like John Jones. "Congress has the ability in the U.S. Constitution to begin impeachment proceedings," she explains. "When you look at these judges – not only Judge Jones here in Pennsylvania, but other federal judges who are handing down these decisions – their actions are unconstitutional." Gramley, Diane (AFA of Pennsylvania)Gramley also contends those activist judges don't reflect the will of the people. "We're seeing homosexual wins across the country not because the views of Americans are changing but because of judicial activism," she says. "And that's the same thing that's happened in Pennsylvania. "The views in Pennsylvania are still that marriage is only between one man and one woman."

In other words: