Monday, January 23, 2017

The religious right have been using 'alternative facts' against the lgbt community for years

The controversy over the use "alternative facts" is actually nothing new to the lgbt community. As the graphics and soundbites below will tell you, religious right and "traditional morality groups" (the Family Research Council, the American Family Association, the Liberty Counsel, the National Organization for Marriage, etc.) have been creating their own "alternative facts" over the years about the lgbt community. The goal has always been exploiting religious beliefs against homosexuality to paint us as immoral, God-hating, disease ridden public menaces.

And while these soundbites and graphics seem comical, they have been highly successful over the years. It's something to remember as we all engage further into the argument over "religious liberty." Truth be told, that particular argument is nothing different than what these groups have done to us. It still paints us as invading outsiders, but with a gentler tone.

Religious right "alternative facts" about the lgbt community over the years (click on graphic to make it larger):


'The drag queen who attended Trump's inauguration . . . ' & other Mon. midday news briefs

RuPaul’s Drag Race star Courtney Act attended Trump's inauguration.

A Drag Queen Went to Donald Trump’s Inauguration (Video)You simply have to see this! RuPaul’s Drag Race star Courtney Act attended Trump's inauguration and interviewed the folks there.

The faces of the Women’s March turn Washington from red to rainbow - Last weekend Women's March on Washington of course included the lgbt community in a large number.

 Iceman finally has his first gay kiss in X-Men – see the glorious full page illustration - Nice! 
Amid worry, gay conservatives see hope for LGBT rights in Trump - I'm afraid I got some bad news for SOME folks . ..  

Gay Buddhist monk is also a makeup artist who helps trans people look their best - I ADORE positive stories like this one.

Hate group leader spews 'alternative facts' about Christianity, Obama, & Trump

Trump aide Kellyanne Conway's unfortunate turn of the phrase "alternative facts" is an excellent segueway to this morning's post featuring Family Research Council president Tony Perkins and his "glorified gloating" about Trump's inauguration:

This is truly an exciting time as the oppressive anti-family, anti-faith policies of the outgoing administration will soon be history. There's no question that people not only hope again -- but genuinely believe that America can be great again. But the prospects of America's greatness cannot be separated from our goodness. Last night, I had the privilege of opening the official inaugural candlelight dinner with that message as I prayed for the president and vice-president. The event, which was held at Union Station, also included most of the president's staff and those nominated for cabinet posts. Quoting from Proverbs I reminded those gathered what one of the wisest kings wrote, "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people."
To be great, we must be good. And government can never make us good, only God, working in each of our hearts can accomplish such a task. That's why religious freedom is so intertwined with America's success. We must be free to pursue God and obey God. As Jesus said, if you love me, you will keep my commandments. We are grateful for the incoming president to restore America's religious freedom -- our ability to live our lives according to our faith.

I don't know which is more laughable - the lie that the Obama Administration was anti-family and anti-faith, or the fact that Tony Perkins is actually citing Biblical verses to justify the election of an odious bully who once bragged about sexually assaulting women.

Perkins's tone deaf kissing up is indicative of religious right and so-called white evangelical leaders like himself who have abandoned the tenets of Christianity in pursuit of political power.   Apparently they have taken to heart the idea put forth in the Old Testament about a "chosen people" (in this case it is them rather than the Israelites) and have ignored what Jesus said in the New Testament about loving thy neighbor and doing right by the poor (Perkins and company have either cheerleaded or ignored the possible elimination of Obamacare regardless of the fact that it would leave millions without any healthcare.)

For my money, however, it's ironic how Perkins takes on the visage of a saint when his past comments would disgrace devils:

To paraphrase an old saying - Mr. Perkin, DO NOT play the lgbt community cheap. We got you on tape and your paper trail is even longer.