Wednesday, February 28, 2018

LGBTQ characters in Comic Books

It's not all 'activism' on my blog. There are days when I feel extremely frivolous. This is one of those days:

If you doubt the veracity of some of these folks, feel free to google them. Although I really didn't need to regarding Catwoman and Harley Quinn. I knew they both got busy with Poison Ivy.

'When 'religious liberty' is used to humiliate the LGBTQ community' & other Wed midday news briefs

When Religion Becomes an Excuse to Discriminate - I continue to be alarmed by folks who think that gays can simply "go somewhere else" if denied service for any reason, including religion. Aside from the fact that if you make excuses to "go somewhere else" soon there will be no where else to go, there is such a thing as simple dignity and respect as the video above proves. The LGBTQ community has every right to demand these things. Being subjected to humiliation and trauma need not be the price we have to pay. We are human beings and our lives have value. We have every right to demand to be treated as such. Period.

Kim Davis Writes About ‘Fist-Pounding Homosexuals’ In New Book - And taking a public and aggressive stand against people like Kim Davis is a part of it all. Instead of being nonchalant and blase, don't forget what her controversy is all about. She makes us look like mean-spirited outsiders, but that's a lie. Gay tax dollars pays her salary and we have every right to yell, scream, and pound our fists at her and anyone who thinks they have a right to our tax dollars without respecting us.

Olympian Gus Kenworthy shared some of his worst hate mail and made a powerful point. - Oh God, this is AWFUL. 

Rapper Le1f shares disgustingly racist Grindr screenshots - But here is terror of the same type in our OWN community. When LGBTQs of color talk about the problems we face with the "I don't date black people. It's just my preference" crowd, we generally get called out. Here is what we LGBTQs of color have been talking about.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Family Research Council exploits religion, homophobia to side with the NRA against Delta Airlines

The Family Research Council is exploiting religion & LGBTQ community to attack Delta Airlines.

Yesterday, I wrote about how the American Family Association is pushing an inane solution to the problem of gun violence in schools. Today, I am sad to report, the Family Research Council has sunk even lower. The hate group is attacking an organization attempting to lessen the violence and has involved the LGBTQ community in its attack.

Delta Airlines is in the middle of a huge controversy because recently it announced that it was ending a discount program for National Rifle Association (NRA) members. This action was done because of the recent Florida school shooting and activism by the survivors of that tragedy pushing for gun control laws. The NRA has vehemently opposes this, therefore it and its supporters have been pushing back rather aggressively.  Due to this, Delta and other companies have announced that they are breaking ties with the NRA.

But Delta seems to be getting a large part of the backlash for this announcement, particularly in Georgia. The Lt. Governor of that state, Casey Cagle, threatened to kill legislation giving Delta tax breaks unless it reinstate ties with the NRA.

While there is a serious back-and-forth going on about the legality and ethics of this threat, the Family Research Council has stepped in to attack Delta, making it seem as if the company is bullying Georgia and the NRA by throwing in a little homophobia and "religious liberty."

'Georgia faces danger of Hollywood boycott if anti-gay adoption bill becomes law' & other Tue midday news briefs

Hollywood Stars, Producers Call For Georgia Boycott If Anti-LGBTQ Law Passes - I like the idea of Hollywood boycotting Georgia if this awful bill becomes law. But I wish the media would focus on others who are also calling for a boycott because the religious right will definitely push the "Hollywood weirdos vs. normal folks" angle. This would take away from the real point of the matter which is saying that adoption agencies who use LGBTQ tax dollars shouldn't have the right to discriminate against LGBTQs for any reason. And that there is nothing wrong with a child growing up in a same-sex household.

Why LGBT rights groups are worried about Georgia's Keep Faith in Adoption and Foster Care Act - More about the awful bill in the above news briefs, plus this little point not mentioned in the article - regardless or not this bill is successful, one has to wonder if it's the start of a religious right tactic of keeping our community from fostering and adopting. If this is so, let's call it for what it is. Our opponents would claim that these bills are for the children, but we know that's a lie. It's all about discrimination. The facts are on our side and if this becomes a huge fight, we need to get the narrative on our side, too. 

In a first, openly transgender recruit signs contract for U.S. military - Another reminder that Trump's attempted trans ban is bupkiss. If transgender men and women want to serve in the military, let them.

Hawaii court rules ‘Christian B&B’ can’t use religion as a weapon against gay couples - Another wonderful ruling by the courts. 

What are the challenges for getting gay men at risk of HIV to take PrEP? - One problem is fear of "slut shaming." "Slut shaming" is an awful thing to do because there is nothing wrong with a healthy sexual appetite. Hell, my problem is that I don't get any. 

Monday, February 26, 2018

American Family Association thinks posting one of the '10 Commandments' in schools will reduce gun violence

The American Family Association wants schools to post one of the '10 Commandments' to reduce gun violence.

While the country has been reeling from the latest school shooting (this time, two weeks ago in Florida) and the survivors of the shooting have been leading the charge to demand action about gun control,  the supposed Christian group, the  American Family Association, has been taking a different road in the debate.

When one takes a gander at the articles and columns from its supposed news source, One News Now, about the shooting and the aftermath, it's easy to see whose side AFA is on:

NRA boycott backfiring on dozens of companies

Why school shootings: Not enough God, not enough guns

Cruz blasts Hollywood's gun control hypocrisy

Lott: Let's have fair debate on guns, our laws

Aside from these items, AFA has just sent a fundraising email suggesting an idea to combat the problem of gun violence in our schools. According to the subject of the email, the group claims that "The liberals are gonna hate this great idea!"  ;

American Family Association is asking every school in the country to put this statement on their school marquee or school sign for one week: "You shall not murder." 
While the country is discussing gun control laws, we think our young people should also be reminded that innocent human life is precious. Murder is against the law in every state, and these four words also emphasize that it's morally wrong. 
Schools regularly use words to encourage and discourage behavior. We tell students, "Say no to bullying," "Don’t text and drive," and "Say no to drugs." In light of the increasing violence in our schools, let's send the clear message, "You shall not murder." 
This is the sixth of the Ten Commandments. 
Add your name to our Open Letter to America's Schools. 
Contact your local school administrators and ask them to post "You shall not murder" on the school marque for one week. 
Share this alert via Twitter and Facebook. Be sure to use Twitter hashtag #Number6. 
Tweet a picture of your school sign using Twitter hashtag #Number6. 
Pray for the families of victims of school violence. 
If our mission resonates with you, please consider supporting our work financially with a tax-deductible donation. The easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure.

It's no secret to anyone who knows me or follows this blog that I very much despise the American Family Association for its long history of pushing homophobic propaganda under the guise of being a religious organization.

But I feel safe in assuming that no one will accuse me of bias when I say I hope the AFA is accurate in saying that liberals will hate the idea. In fact, I would venture to say that I hope people with good sense in general hates the idea.

Because it's not a great idea. It's a stupid, shallow, inane idea.

And it is not an adequate substitute for a much-needed debate on gun control as well as violence in our schools? It's ignorantly lazy, totally devoid of any understanding of nuance. It reminds me of a book report given by a lazy child who tries to stretch it to a required word count.

It's not what we need. At all.  And its suggestion underlines just how useless right-wing evangelical groups like the AFA are in situations such as these.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Family Research Council couldn't find any LGBTQ villains, so the hate group created some

The Family Research Council just made an attack against the South Carolina LGBTQ community and I'm not going to play "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farms with the hate group.

From the Family Research Council's Washington Update:

First, the LGBT lobby tried to take away custody from parents. Now, it wants to stop people from becoming parents altogether! That's the goal in South Carolina, where some extremists are trying to shut down a religious adoption service for trying to place kids in Christian homes. 
"For 29 years," attorney Betsy Tanner wrote, "Miracle Hill has gladly served all foster children of any race, national origin, religious beliefs, sex, disability, or political belief. And for 29 years, Miracle Hill has recruited foster families who share its nondenominational Christian religious belief. Miracle Hill has always been clear regarding its religious identity and conviction that all staff -- paid and unpaid -- are followers of Jesus Christ." 
That was never a problem, until last year, when the state's Department of Social Services insisted the organization doesn't have the right to make religious beliefs a requirement of foster parents. That was devastating news to the leaders at Miracle Hill, who had probably watched this controversy play out with other Christian agencies in places like D.C., Illinois, and Massachusetts – and knew the ending wasn't a happy one. Faced with the choice of closing their doors or violating their convictions, Catholic Charities chose the former. 
Fortunately for Miracle Hill, they have an advocate in South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster, who's promised to fight for a waiver with federal officials. "The licensing and participation of faith-based entities in the state foster care system is a constitutionally-protected practice," he argued. "It is important that religious organizations not be required to sacrifice the tenets of their faith in order to serve the children of South Carolina." 
For now, Miracle Hill will hold its breath and wait. But they certainly appreciate the governor's support for religious freedom. "I think he'll get a clarification from Washington that our practice is not illegal," CEO Reid Lehman explained. "And then we just ask that the state recognize that as well." Thanks to the Trump administration, there's already a year's worth of precedent defending organizations like Lehman. Maybe eventually, the other side will get the message: fighting the First Amendment is a losing battle!

FRC is telling a two lies with its first paragraph:

First, the LGBT lobby tried to take away custody from parents

FRC is, with the help of a link from right-wing fake news source The Federalist, distorting a situation in Ohio in which the grandparents of a transgender boy was awarded custody because his parents did not want him taking hormone therapy. The grandparents supported the child's change of gender, as did the child's medical team.   There was no implied invisible gay lobby attempting to snatch children from parents.  There were only grandparents concerned for the health of their grandchild because his parents's actions were triggering suicidal thoughts in him. And a medical team which wanted the child to receive the therapy as soon as possible so as to decrease his suicidal risks.

Now for the BIG lie:

Now, ("the LGBT lobby'') wants to stop people from becoming parents altogether! That's the goal in South Carolina, where some extremists are trying to shut down a religious adoption service for trying to place kids in Christian homes.

Here is the problem. The article FRC linked and referred to in order to get its information (from The Greenville News) said NOTHING about this being a case of religious liberty vs. the LGBTQ community. In fact, there is nothing in the article about the LGBTQ community.

According to the article, this is the controversy:

In an op-ed delivered to The Greenville News, Betsy Tanner, an Upstate foster parent and adoption attorney, wrote that Miracle Hill has become one of the largest private foster-care providers in the state, supporting families in eight counties.

Currently, she wrote, 161 children receive care in those foster families. Last year 31 of those children achieved permanency when adopted by the families caring for them.

"For 29 years, Miracle Hill has gladly served all foster children of any race, national origin, religious beliefs, sex, disability, or political belief," Tanner wrote. "And for 29 years, Miracle Hill has recruited foster families who share its nondenominational Christian religious beliefs. Miracle Hill has always been clear regarding its religious identity and conviction that all staff — paid and unpaid — are followers of Jesus Christ."
But in 2017, Tanner wrote, the state Department of Social Services began interpreting federal and state regulations to say that Miracle Hill does not have the freedom to require foster families share its religious beliefs.

"Based on this new interpretation, SCDSS has given Miracle Hill 30 days to either abandon its religious convictions or shut down its ministry as a foster child placing agency," Tanner wrote.

And there is NOTHING mentioned about the LGBTQ community in Tanner's op-ed. either .

In other words, neither the South Carolina LGBTQ community nor the LGBTQ community in general have anything to do with the Miracle Hills situation. It's simply a case of a state agency battling an agency which only recruits foster parents sharing its religious beliefs.

It's plain to see that FRC manufactured LGBTQ boogeymen out of thin air for this situation. After all, their supporters need someone to attack and we are always their best targets.

'Mattis to support keeping transgender troops in the military' & other Fri midday news briefs

Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis 
Mattis Likely To Support Transgender Military Service - DAMN RIGHT! Sweet! 

Slew of state and local bills are targeting LGBTQ people - We are the straw which stirs the drink. Bring. It. On. 

White Evangelicals, This is Why People Are Through With You - This was posted last month but it speaks a basic truth which should be constantly repeated.

Republicans are trying to pass a bill that would stop same-sex couples adopting in Georgia - Apparently we aren't done as of yet in Georgia.

Black Panther and the Promise of a Queer-Affirming Africa - You really didn't think us African-American queer folks would be left out of the excitement over Black Panther, did you?

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Family Research Council blames immorality for shootings, doesn't say a word about those 'mulligans,' though

FRC's Tony Perkins
Family Research Council president Tony Perkins claims to know  what is to blame for the tragic school shooting last week in Florida:

Torn apart by grief and rage, Americans are frantic to know why our nation is unraveling in one act of violence after another. "We're done with thoughts and prayers!" an angry man shouted at a Colorado townhall, when Rep. Mike Coffman (R) asked for a moment of silence for Parkland. But isn't that the problem? Too many schools and colleges are done with prayer. They've been so busy kicking God out (and his standards) that they haven't noticed what's coming in. Every moral vacuum is filled with something. And maybe it's time we stepped back as a nation and take a long hard look at what those things are and how they're impacting our culture. Violence, relativism, promiscuity, and suicide didn't get their start when God was expelled from school. But they've certainly been given a culture in which to thrive now that we've removed the Judeo-Christian foundation that anchored the country.
Donald Trump's opponents are scratching their heads over these shootings, saying, "We've got to control the instruments of the violence." No, what we have to do is impact the hearts and minds of children and let them know their lives have meaning. "It had to have broken Billy Graham's heart," Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) told me on radio yesterday, "to see our nation get to the point where we refuse to teach morality, we refuse to teach right or wrong. The two-parent home has come under attack and been destroyed. And really, I've given this a lot of thought. When you get rid of teaching morality, when you destroy the foundational home that's been the foundation for every civilization, then if you want to stay safe, you're gonna have to give up all of your constitutional rights -- at least most of them."

Since Perkins is going all "Carrie Nation" on morality, I wonder how he feels about supposed Christian groups giving a corrupt and incompetent political leader a free pass on his bad behavior simply because he is giving them more power and influence?

Donald Trump is still the answer to many conservative evangelical leaders’ prayers. Or at least to their continuing grievances. They embrace Trump the policymaker, despite being uneasy about Trump as a man, says Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, a prominent evangelical activist group.  
 Perkins knows about Stormy Daniels, the porn actress who claimed, in a 2011 interview, that in 2006 she had sex with Trump four months after his wife, Melania, gave birth to their son, Barron. He knows of the reports that Daniels (real name: Stephanie Clifford) was paid off to keep the affair quiet in the waning weeks of the 2016 election. He knows about the cursing, the lewdness and the litany of questionable behavior over the past year of Trump’s life or the 70 that came before it.  
 “We kind of gave him—‘All right, you get a mulligan. You get a do-over here,’” Perkins told me in an interview for the latest episode of POLITICO’s Off Message podcast.

Never mind.

But please remember that Perkins is totally aware of the hypocrisy behind his positions here. And he simply doesn't care.  Whatever the solution may be to the problem in America with guns, shooting, and anger, it's one which we will not reach if we allow people like Perkins and groups like the Family Research Council to be the arbiters of our moral principles. They seem to think one can turn morality on and off as if it were a light bulb.

''Defiantly different' 10-yr old reminds us not to forget about our LGBTQ children' & other Thur midday news briefs

Meet The ‘Defiantly Different’ 10-Year-Old Set To Steal The Show At NYC Pride - Some folks - even some on our side of the spectrum - will probably disagree, but I'm not changing my mind. Children are coming out at younger ages and androgynous children exist. We need to accept this and deal with it in a way in which they are embraced and supported. Period.

No recommendation from Mattis yet on trans military service - Come on, Mattis. Get off your butt.

Outspoken Parkland Survivor Emma González is President of School’s Gay-Straight Alliance - Let's not forget that LGBTQ children were also affected by that awful Florida tragedy.

Before Moonlight: 10 films that celebrate the African American LGBT experience - Sweet!

"Queer Eye" Is The Most Empowering And Positive Show On TV Right Now - I didn't particularly care for the earlier version, but this one looks like a real winner.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Black History is LGBTQ History & LGBTQ History is Black History

When some naysayers ask me why do I demand respect for famous LGBTQs of color during Black History Month, my answer is simple:

"I'm like Glenn Close in 'Fatal Attraction.' I will NOT be ignored."

The following videos are simple reminders that the LGBTQ and the African-American communities are more intertwined than folks like to admit.

And another video because transgender African-Americans don't really get their due. I love this video because it includes some contemporary people, including some very good friends of mine (yes, I'm name-droppping):

'New junk science narrative attacks transgender children' & other Wed midday news briefs

'Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria' Is Biased Junk Science - Some things never change, unfortunately. They used to go all out in their usage of junk science to smear gay men as unhealthy pedophiles. Now the same crowd is attacking the transgender community (particularly transgender children) using the same tactics. Sorry folks. We are hip and this mess ain't gonna play.

These Transgender Children Say They’re Thriving. They Want to Help Others Do the Same. - Instead of a junk science study, check this out. It's not by accident that the anti-LGBTQ industry tries to drown out the voices of our community, particularly our kids. 

Starkville denies request for LGBT pride parade - Yes, unfortunately this is in America. Some folks have forgotten that this IS America apparently. 

  ‘Queer Eye’ Emotionally Reflects On The Unique Challenges Black Gay Men Face - People often forget the challenges of us who have "multiple marginalized" identities. Apparently we are born playing baseball and folks seem to think we already have two strikes against us. 

Time to 'shine a light' and ban conversion therapies - experts - Damn right! 'Ex-gay' therapy is fraudulent and dangerous. It should be totally banned.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Why do anti-LGBTQ activists talk so much about gay sex?

From Right-Wing Watch comes a video which demonstrates a basic truth with the religious right  In it, anti-LGBTQ activist Gordon Klingenschmitt tries to justify business discriminate against the LGBTQ community. That's how he started. Watch how quickly he moves to talking about an orgy.

If your stomach can handle it, take a gander at videos or literature coming from people like Klingenschmitt. The speed in which they move to speculating about gay sex is mind-boggling. And annoying. Debates about LGBTQ equality should be way more intelligent than breaking it down to fevered sexual images. But that's pretty much the only thing that many of these folks have.

SC Republicans launch ridiculous, idiotic, laughably bad plan to undermine marriage equality' & other Tue midday news briefs

South Carolina Republicans want ‘parody marriages’ to circumvent marriage equality - No! No! No! Exhibit A on why it is so difficult for LGBTQ activists, bloggers, etc who operate in SC to be taken seriously. We are on the cutting edge but still have to deal with these folks. What part of "The Supreme Court already settled the issue of marriage equality. You lost. Get over it." don't they understand?

Lambda Legal Sues HHS after Lesbian Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents - And here we go. A taxpayer funded program turns away this couple. Good luck to them because our community pays taxes too and we can provide good homes for children. We shouldn't have to deal with such blatant disrespect. 

Daniela Vega set to make history as the first openly trans person to present an Oscar - Not bad. Let's also work on nominations and winning. 

Gay comedian goes on rant about body shaming in the gay community - Preach!!!!! 

Religious freedom laws are ‘harming LGBT people,’ says Human Rights Watch - Folks in the media never seem to get to the gist of this problem - 'Religious freedom laws" are never about "religious freedom." They are simply the new tactic to undermine the LGBTQ community.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Trump Administration creating havoc for LGBTQ-friendly policies at health agency

Trump claimed that he would fight for the LGBTQ community, but that turns out not to be true.

Politico has just published a very detailed article which should be shared and remembered.In spite of Trump saying that if elected, he would fight for the LGBTQ community, his Administration has been steadily and meticulously dismantling policies at the nation's health department which would benefit us, our family, and our children. And this dismantling is negatively affecting LGBTQs who work there.

Instead of saying "well we already know this," the LGBTQ community should ask just who is leading Trump in this direction and when we find out who it is, we should direct all attention and vehemence to those individuals and groups. But let's not leave Trump out because you know we shouldn't forget about him either:

. . .upon taking office last year, the Trump administration swiftly froze a series of LGBT-friendly rules, including proposed new regulations to further ban discrimination in Medicare and Medicaid. A regulation that would have allowed transgender HHS staff more protections when using the department's bathrooms and other facilities also was ignored. 
"It was signed and technically finished on Jan. 19, 2017, but not posted online," said one staffer. "And the new administration considered it unpublished and pulled it back." 
The Trump administration also reinterpreted the ACA's Section 1557 anti-discrimination mandate, with the White House declining to fight a court battle to enforce it and signaling that it would roll back the rule. The health agency's new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division, which POLITICO first reported last month, is expected to offer greater protections for health care workers who do not wish to treat LGBT patients.

The article also points out how the Trump Administration has appointed appointed anti-LGBTQ activists in key positions and this has caused serious problems with gay employees at HHS:

Career staff say that, regardless of what agency leaders believe or maintain now, their past comments on LGBT priorities have been widely passed around the 80,000-person department. "I photocopied them and left them in the cafeteria," said one staffer. "It's important for people to know these are the leaders they work for." 
It's also fostered a climate where six staffers who are LGBT described removing their wedding rings before coming to work in the morning, taking down photos of their partners and families or ultimately finding new jobs further away from certain political appointees. They did not want to be identified; two said they feared being reassigned for being gay.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Family Research Council more 'shocked' than truthful about case of trans child

The following is a classic case in how anti-LGBTQ hate group the Family Research Council relies on distortions and omissions to denigrate our community, even in situations in which the health of our kids are involved.

From FRC president Tony Perkins recent edition of its Washington Update:

This week, a shocking story hit the national news about an Ohio teenager who was removed from her parents' home by authorities. Why? Because they didn't support their daughter's decision to identify as a boy and declined to authorize hormone therapy to facilitate her gender "transition." Today, the story broke that Juvenile Court Judge Sylvia Hendon has permanently removed the child from her parents' custody (despite the fact that the child is already 17 and would be able to make medical decisions for herself in less than a year).

What's especially alarming is that a lawyer representing the child -- as well as Donald Clancy of the Hamilton County Prosecutor's Office -- cited the parents' religious beliefs as an argument for robbing them of their rights! The mom and dad are being criticized for seeking out a Christian therapist for their daughter and for daring to send her to Catholic school. Even so, the parents were clear that their stance on the gender transition wasn't motivated on faith alone. After all, they pointed out, they'd had lengthy consultations with medical professions and did hours of research on their own. Only then did they come to the conclusion that "this is not in their child's best interest." (The American College of Pediatricians -- not to be confused with the more "politically correct" American Academy of Pediatrics -- agrees.)

For years, LGBT activists have scoffed at warnings from FRC and others that the radical LGBT movement poses a threat to personal and religious freedom. In the past, the Left directed most of its attacks on religious expression in the public square, doing everything it could to restrict faith to the four walls of your house or church. Now, even that tolerance is tumbling down.

Here are some very important pieces of information that FRC omitted from the story:

1. The grandparents of the child are suing his parents for custody because they support his gender identity. So implying that "gay activists" and "the Left" are attempting to steal this child is simply false.

2. The situation had been called one of "life or death"

Medical experts testified that the father's ongoing refusal to call the child by his chosen name and the parents' rejection of the teen's gender identity have triggered suicidal feelings. The teen was hospitalized in 2016. He has been diagnosed with depression, an anxiety disorder and gender dysphoria, according to court records. Gender dysphoria is a psychiatric diagnosis the American Psychiatric Association defines as "a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/they identify." 
 . . .The teen's court-appointed guardian believes that the grandparents, not the parents, should have custody and says they are best suited to help the child. The medical team from Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, where the child had been in treatment, testified that the teen is improving mentally and emotionally through therapy and because his grandparents have created a supportive environment. However, they believe the teen should start treatment as soon as possible to decrease his suicide risk.

Last but not least, the organization cited by FRC, The American College of Pediatricians, is an illegitimate medical group. It, like FRC, is designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center because it spreads homophobic propaganda under a scientific veneer.

The facts here are very clear. This is a case of  transgender child's health and safety being jeopardized by his parents. And we know this because experts in the matter - health officials - say so.

In contrast, FRC is interjecting itself into the case with absolutely no expertise in the matter and touting statements from a phony medical group who doesn't have the credibility to prescribe cough medicine, to say nothing about commenting on this particular situation at hand.

FRC should butt out and leave the case to the people who know what they are doing and actually care about this child and his family.

Friday, February 16, 2018

'Trump's court pick once called marriage equality 'an assault against nature'' & other Friday midday news briefs

Trump just did the LGBTQ community dirty yet again.

Oh Look, Another One Of Trump’s Court Picks Is Really Anti-Gay - Let's be honest. Franklin Graham, the Family Research Council, and that bunch could care less about Trump's so-called moral behavior. They only say that crap when it comes folks who they can't use. As long as Trump gives them things like anti-LGBTQ court picks, they will turn a blind eye and deaf ear to his many faults.

Daily Mail columnist Richard Littlejohn attacks Tom Daley, gay parents: ‘Pass the sick bag’ - Who is this nasty SOB?

Hate group Family Research Council awards Congresswoman who waged war against transgender troops - My post from last night. 

'I can't tone it down': Olympic skater Adam Rippon speaks out for young LGBT Americans - When some heterosexuals tell LGBTQs to "tone it down," they usually mean "stop breathing. stop existing."

South Dakota shelves novel bill targeting transgender kids - Good.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Hate group Family Research Council awards Congresswoman who waged war against transgender troops

FRC president Tony Perkins (right) and Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (left).

The anti-LGBTQ hate group Family Research Council would have you to believe that the above picture is one which celebrates honorable actions from Congressional leaders. FRC president Tony Perkins (right) is posing with Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) while he is presenting her with what is called a "True Blue" Award.

According to Perkins:

Despite some disappointments along the way, there's plenty to be happy about with the 115th Congress. Republicans, who had the benefit of working with a president with one of the most conservative agendas in history, had plenty to show for Donald Trump's first year -- especially on the issues that matter most. For almost two decades, FRC Action has honored the men and women in the House and Senate who've stood strongest on faith, family, and freedom. This year, in a testament to the White House's productivity on values issues, we're proud to announce that this year's "True Blue" award went to a record-high 245 Members of Congress, who all scored a perfect 100 percent on our scorecard.

 . . .This year, FRC Action scored votes on: 
 No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion
 Disapproval of Obama's Title X Rule
Obamacare Repeal and Replace
Confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court
Defense Department Transgender Sexual Reassignment
Funding D.C. Budget Autonomy
D.C. Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Amendment
Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
Independent Payment Advisory (Rationing) Board Repeal
Confirmation of Amy Barrett to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals
Tax Cuts & Jobs Act

My guess is when it comes to Hartlzer, FRC made sure she got an award for going above and beyond the call of duty when it came to getting their agenda passed in Congress. You see, Hartzler took a lead role in defending Trump's failed attempt to ban transgender men and women from serving in the military.

It was she who reportedly pressured Trump for weeks to make his abominable decision to ban transgender troops.

It was she who last year pushed for a controversial amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act which would have banned the Pentagon from funding gender reassignment surgeries for service members. The amendment failed when 24 Republicans joined the Democrats to vote against it.

Finally, it was Hartzler who pushed inaccurate statistics to falsely claim that it was too costly for transgender men and women to serve in the military.

Hartzler deserves some type of award for her actions, for sure. But I don't think the award should have anything to do with "faith," "family," and especially not "freedom" when one takes into account how she treated those who fought for her freedom.

'Transphobic propaganda being pushed as a pro-trans resource' & other Thur midday news brief

This piece of transphobic trashy propaganda is being passed along as a pro-transgender resource. Watch out for it.

‘Extremely damaging’ school pamphlet on transgender children slammed by LGBT groups - Probably coming to America or already here - a pamphlet which looks like a pro-transgender resource of information, but actually a well-paid-for piece of transphobic propaganda. YET another tactic used against gays in the past retooled to attack the transgender community. Watch out for it.

Colorado Republicans vote to strip funding from civil rights body for enforcing LGBT rights - Members of the Colorado GOP strip the funding from the Colorado Civil Rights Commission because it had the "nerve" to decide that LGBTQ rights shouldn't be diminished because of the "religious liberty" excuse. It's all about who you put in office, people.

Donald Trump’s new budget will see over $1 billion slashed from HIV/AIDS programs - This here is some nasty bullshyte on the part of Trump.

How much anal sex are gay men really having (and what position do they prefer)? - Some folks may think this is a frivolous article but it's not when you consider that central hallmark of religious right propaganda against the LGBTQ community is about gay men and anal sex, i.e. falsely labeling anal sex as "gay behavior." 

Lena Waithe’s Comedy, Centered On A Queer Black Woman, Is Coming To TBS - Yes! A thousand times YES! 

Peter LaBarbera Is Not Happy With Adam Rippon Coverage: ‘The Media Are Obsessed With Homosexuality’ - To 'Porn' Pete LaBarbera, the only good gay is a self-hating, suicidal, oversexed, disease ridden one. Get over yourself, Petey dear.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Right-wing evangelicals interrupt defense of Mike Pence's faith to attack Obama's faith

Right-wing evangelicals seem to have lies about Obama programmed in their heads.

The right-wing evangelicals of America are having another "everyone hates us because we love Jesus" pity party today. This one has to do with comments The View's Joy Behar made about Mike Pence's so-called Christian faith.

I'm not even going to try to explain this mess. I will just say that folks on that side of the political spectrum again figuratively drowned themselves with magnums of salty tears squeezed from pools of self-pity. It's another way in which they  stroke their own egos by pretending to be God's chosen people in so-called sinful, demonic, homosexual ridden world. And of course they hoisted the guest of honor in their pity part, Mike Pence, on a throne of thorns, proclaiming him as the martyr of hostility to the "Christian" community, either ignorant of indifferent to the fact that if there were truly any growing hostility it would be in reaction to them thinking that they (right-wing, evangelical, predominantly white) are the only "true Christians" in America.

Case in point is an article via the American Family Association's fake news source, One News Now, chronicling the situation between Behar and Pence. Those who are familiar with One News Now  already know that the article will be ridiculously one-sided. It's the comments which are golden. A certain individual (yours truly) made the strategic point to remind folks that it wasn't long ago that some of them attacked Obama's faith:

Your criticism of Behar may be warranted but I think there is an intentional decision to give this non-issue more attention than it deserves. Also, I can remember when a lot of folks upset over this didn't give Obama his respect when he spoke of his Christian faith.

Who knew that right-wing evangelical Christians could sprout fangs so quickly?

'Anti-LGBTQ hate groups feud with each other over CPAC attendance' & other Wed midday news briefs

Imagine the group which published this monstrosity of lies being deemed too homophobic to attend a conservative conference.

Anti-LGBTQ Group MassResistance Says It’s Been Banned From CPAC - This is rich. Vile anti-LGBTQ hate group Mass Resistance says it has been banned from having a table at the yearly conservative gathering CPAC because it has been deemed too homophobic. It gets better. Mass Resistance claims that it was backstabbed by other groups, including another anti-LGBT hate group the Family Research Council. Meanwhile, 'Porno' Pete LaBarbera who leads another anti-LGBTQ hate group - Americans for Truth About Homosexuality - is adding his less than two cents into this argument by taking Mass Resistance's side. I don't know about you, but to me the idea of triple spontaneous combustion would be rather nice right now.

Related - Here is some information as to why the Southern Poverty Law Center considers Mass Resistance, the Family Research Council, and Americans for Truth about Homosexuality  to be 'hate groups.'

3 years after diagnosis, this transgender inmate will finally receive the medical care she deserves - Sorry if anyone disagrees but transgender inmates should have their medical care. It is a health issue.

Donald Trump Jr. Attacks Olympian Adam Rippon On Twitter - Sit your ass down, Jr.

Young queer Africans take a stand - Good for them! 

How anti-gay researcher Mark Regnerus is duping liberal media on ‘Cheap Sex’ - Look who's back. Ugh!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Randy Rainbow again comes for Donald Trump with brutal song parody of latest scandal

Randy Rainbow leads me to realize that some stereotypes about gay men aren't all that bad. Like for instance the absolute brutal way we can verbally put certain people in their place.

Certain people like Donald Trump in view of yet another scandal in his Administration, this one involving two aides who were recently dismissed after accusations of spousal abuse were lodged against them.

'Court to decide custody battle between parents, grandparents of trans child' & other Tue midday news briefs

Parents want custody to stop transgender teen having hormone treatment - An Ohio court will rule on this case and I hope it rules for the grandparents who supports this child's gender identity. From  the witnesses and sources  - including the teen's court appointed guardian AND a hospital medical team - the hormone treatment is the best thing in this case. 

Trans School Principal Goes Public - It's easy to forget the lives of transgender people when there is more of a focus on treating them as an invading horde. Stories like this are hated by the religious right.

Bisexual ice skater Ireen Wüst has become the most decorated LGBTQ Olympian of all time - Alright, girlfriend! 

Malaysian Newspaper Slammed For ‘How To Spot A Gay’ List - Hmmmmm.

NOM Claims It Played ‘A Significant Behind-The-Scenes Role’ In Bermuda’s Marriage Equality Repeal - Odious if not true. A bit scary if true.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos needs to stop whining & cease undermining the rights of trans students

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos needs to do her job to protect the rights of transgender students

Last week, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos remarked during a meeting that it's hurtful when her critics claim that she isn't protecting the rights of students.

Really? When I'm glad she feels that way because girlfriend needs to explain why the Department of Education has yet again its their back on transgender students.

From Buzzfeed:

The Education Department has told BuzzFeed News it won't investigate or take action on any complaints filed by transgender students who are banned from restrooms that match their gender identity, charting new ground in the Trump administration's year-long broadside against LGBT rights. 
It’s the first time officials have asserted this position publicly as an interpretation of law. No formal announcement has been made. 
For nearly a year, the Trump administration took a less clear stance, with officials saying they were studying the issue. When the Education Department and Justice Department withdrew Obama-era guidance on transgender restroom access in February 2017, Trump’s officials said in a memo and court filings that they would "consider the legal issues involved.” Then last June, the Education Department issued another memo saying it was "permissible" for its civil rights division to dismiss a trans student's restroom case. However, in those statements, officials never cemented their intent to reject all restroom complaints issued by trans students. 
For the past three weeks, BuzzFeed News called and emailed Education Department officials attempting to pinpoint the agency’s position. Finally on Thursday, Liz Hill, a spokesperson for the agency, responded “yes, that’s what the law says” when asked again if the Education Department holds a current position that restroom complaints from transgender students are not covered by a 1972 federal civil rights law called Title IX. Asked for further explanation on the department’s position, Hill said Friday, “Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, not gender identity.” 
She added that certain types of transgender complaints may be investigated — but not bathroom complaints.

The irony is that it is horror stories about young girls being in danger by being "trapped" in bathrooms with "predators" which has been the center of numerous attacks on the rights and dignity of the transgender community. Evangelical anti-LGBTQ groups have been successful in exploiting this even though there isn't as shred a proof backing it up.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

'Evangelical' publication omits latest Trump scandal to talk about 'transgender programming'

'Evangelical publication too busy reporting on 'transgender programming' instead of covering Trump Administration's latest scandal.

While the Trump Administration continues to be embroiled with controversies involving Russia, domestic violence, staff members not receiving security clearances, memos, (have I left anything out), its allies on the evangelical right are conveniently ignoring speaking out on these things.

Instead, they are either being silent, propping Trump up on other issues, or going off the deep end like this article in the American Family Association's One News Now demonstrates:

Public schools are programming children to align their way of thinking to the LGBT’s transgender ideology, argues one propaganda expert, who formerly served as an intelligence professional. 
Stella Morabito, who is a historian of the Soviet Union, issued a warning at Family Research Council’s (FRC) office in Washington, D.C., that public education in the United States is beginning to implement an LGBT propaganda agenda that is geared to demolish free thinking and force students to embrace its politically correct gender worldview. 
"Social and emotional learning is becoming all the rage in the public education policy realm, and if left unchecked, it will result in a monolithic, nationalized mandate demanding conformity to the politically correct dogma of the day,” Morabito alerted attendees at FRC on Tuesday, according to The Christian Post (CP). “In other words, it is a massive state-sponsored propaganda operation intended to isolate and control people, including kids, about how to feel and relate to people.” 
She was referring to a strategic progressive operation orchestrated by an organization known as CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning), which uses various materials and processes to indoctrinate children into its mode of thinking. 
 . . . “[CASEL activists] say it is because [transgender indoctrination] is the only way children will acquire ‘life skills’ and children, who are bound to become ‘self-directed,’ are ‘crying out’ for this, noting that data show that approximately 40 percent are ‘chronically disengaged’ in school.” CP reported. “CASEL's curriculum is being implemented in certain places in the U.S. – especially in urban areas.” 
Morabito emphasized how the pro-LGBT training is nothing short of state-enforced social propaganda.

The article continues on like this, heaping the steaming helpings of conspiratorial bullshyte like it's the only food for folks in a famine. It would hilarious except for the fact that some people, driven by their so-called religious beliefs and personal prejudices, actually believe this mess.

Like all other conspiracies about the LGBTQ community driven by the religious right, this one has the same characteristics:

1. The conspiracies almost always imply that LGBTQs are out to "recruit" children.

2. The conspiracies are spun rather well except for a deliberate vagueness in terms their origins or specific players involved. In other words, the organizers are always grouped in depersonalized hordes and there is hardly ever any background given to the so-called plot or who the specific players may be. The conspiracies are geared to exploit people's personal prejudices and fears.

Oh well. This is nothing more than another "receipt" on those groups and individuals who have anointed Trump as Christianity's savior while ignoring all of the evidence which puts him on the "opposite side."

Friday, February 09, 2018

'Fox News executive has problem with racial, sexual orientation diversity of American Olympians' & other Fri midday news briefs

John Moody thinks America is sacrificing "quality" for "diversity" in the Olympics. Because he is obviously such a 'wonderful' athlete himself.

Fox News executive VP rails against diversity of US Olympians: "Darker, Gayer, Different" - It's always funny how these "let's have equal competition without thinking about race or sexual orientation" types act when we take them on and beat them. Their entitlement shows like a red light.

The Olympics Have Left Sochi, But Don’t Forget LGBTQ Russians - That's right. Don't forget.

More U.S. Teens Are Identifying as Trans and Gender-Nonconfirming - Sweet. This means our work is succeeding. Our kids are less fearful of coming out. But still more work to do.

This bill would prohibit South Dakota teachers from acknowledging transgender kids exist - Another attempt to erase our kids? Oh hell no! 

Republican-backed education bill alarms LGBTQ advocates - Some "religious liberty" mess. 

Thursday, February 08, 2018

Family Research Council ignores Rob Porter spousal abuse scandal to praise Trump's 'religious devotion'

Today was the National Prayer Breakfast, which is always attended by the President. That being the case,  Donald Trump attended. And Family Research Council president Tony Perkins practically oozed praise at Trump for doing so:

Every president since Eisenhower has spoken at the National Prayer Breakfast. But not everyone has practiced the policies they preach. Barack Obama was famous for using the event to talk about the "inherent dignity of every person" only to ride back to an office that did more to promote abortion than any White House in history. Or to insist "we can't leave our values at the door," while he ordered Americans to do exactly that on marriage, health care, and faith. With Obama, what you heard wasn't necessarily what you got.
In the year since Donald Trump has been in office, he hasn't just talked a good game -- he's walked it. When he stepped up to the microphone this morning to promote religious liberty, 12 months of accomplishments already spoke volumes. Executive orders, HHS rules, Justice Department briefs, and confirmations like Sam Brownback's point to just how sincere the president is about what he says. 
This morning, he didn't disappoint, using the opportunity to draw the country's attention back to the importance of our First Freedom. "Our rights," Trump said, "are not given to us by man. Our rights come from our Creator. No matter what, no Earthly force can take those rights away." Then, in a nod to one of the biggest struggles in our society, he took time to highlight real tolerance and what it means to a nation like ours. "When Americans are able to live by their convictions, to speak openly of their faith, and to teach their children what is right, our families thrive, our communities flourish, and our nation can achieve anything at all." 
Then, broadening his scope, he hinted at the work cut out for Brownback, America's new Ambassador at Large for Religious Freedom. "Together, as Americans, we are a tireless force for justice and for peace... We know that millions of people in Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea and other countries suffer under repressive and brutal regimes. America stands with all people suffering oppression and religious persecution."
It was another solid speech that reminded us all: words matter. But we can all be grateful that to this president, actions matter just as much.

So why is today is an odd time for Perkins to praise Trump's religious devotion? Because the Trump Administration is presently facing yet another scandal; this one involving a top aide, Rob Porter, who resigned this week because of allegations of spousal abuse involving his two ex-wives. Not only that but supposedly top Trump aides were aware of these allegations because the ex-wives informed the FBI last year during his background check, with one supplying pictures. Supposedly Trump was unaware of the situation until this week.

'Mike Pence's anti-LGBTQ history comes back to haunt him just in time for the Olympics' & other Thur midday news briefs

Come on, Mike Pence. You know how we in the LGBTQ community are. We don't forget major slights from legislators and politicians. And if said legislators and politicians come at us nicely while pretending that the slights weren't made, we will remind you about them. It's one of our major powers. To put it plainly:

We don't forget sh!t.

‘Hypocrite’ Mike Pence Slammed For Tweet Supporting Gay Olympic Athlete

Mike Pence lies about his support for anti-gay conversion therapy during riff with Olympic skater Adam Rippon

Here’s a Recap of Mike Pence’s Attacks on LGBT Rights – READ

In other news:

This elderly lesbian who was ‘slapped and told that homosexuals burn in hell’ is suing her care home - Someone needs their behinds whipped for this. I hope she wins.

LGBT historic site projects continue under Trump - Don't let the religious right know. They'll try to mess it up for us. 

Mercer University students grill Trump’s lawyer on anti-LGBTQ, anti-Muslim stances - Take note college students - THIS is how you handle an anti-LGBTQ speaker or any speaker you oppose coming to your campus. Wildcat screaming and yelling don't mean crap. You organize, plan, educate yourself on his/her history and ask pointed questions at the event. With dignity and purpose.

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Do you agree with these Top 10 lists of LGBTQ culture?

Sometimes I feel like muckraking and sometimes I feel like I want to spotlight fun cultural references designed to get folks interested in educated about aspects of the LGBTQ community in entertainment. Today it's the latter so allow me to present four fun videos from youtube:

Top 10 Memorable Gay Characters, Top 10 Best Lesbian Themed Movies,Top 10 Inspirational Transgender Celebrities, and Top 10 Celebs You Didn't Know Both Ways (yeah, I'm not exactly happy about the title of that last one either).

Also, let me say that these video lists aren't representative of the entire LGBTQ community. They are to amuse and inspire searches for other bits of knowledge:

'Jeff Sessions is installing ‘religious freedom’ czars in every U.S. Attorney’s office' & other Wed midday news briefs

Jeff Sessions is installing ‘religious freedom’ czars in every U.S. Attorney’s office - Not if folks raise sufficient hell about this. It's no accident that anti-LGBTQ evangelical groups have refrained from crowing about these steps Sessions has been taking to codify this religious license to discriminate. I'm guessing they don't want anyone to know these behind-the-scenes moves.

‘I was enraged to see my story distorted and used’: Detransitioners object to anti-transgender book - Ryan T. Anderson is a little fraud who is attempting to repackage the same old anti-gay, anti-trans trash into a new, glittery package. 

AIDS In America Is A Black Disease - Today is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day and work needs to be done in the African-American community in order to educate folks. 

LGBT Publix Employee Says He Was Fired for Reporting Anti-Gay Harassment - Really? Looks like Publix has a lot more work to do to get on our good side.

Why have Texas Republicans cooled on bathroom bill? - We can only hope Texas has.

Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Family Research Council's Tony Perkins tries to make homophobic lies into truth by repetition

FRC's Tony Perkins thinks he can make lies into truth via repetition.
On Tuesday afternoon, anti-LGBTQ hate group the Family Research Council just proved that no matter how much power it gains because of the Trump Administration, it will continue to be a deceptive, small-minded organization which works to undermine the LGBTQ community through lies and distortions.

Yesterday, the Georgia state Senate passed a bill which will streamline its adoption process. According to media reports, the bill was held up because it included a provision which would allow adoption agencies to discriminate against same-sex couples on "religious grounds" while still receiving tax dollars.  That provision was taken out and GA governor Nathan Deal is expected to sign the bill.

And that is what Family Research Council president Tony Perkins was raging about Tuesday afternoon:

Governor Nathan Deal (R-Ga.) never met a religious freedom bill he liked -- and the state's newest adoption proposal isn't likely to change that. The Georgia Republican, who valiantly displayed all the traits of a coward on the issue a year and a half ago, is back at it, threatening the state's conscience protections for faith-based groups. 
After demanding a "clean" adoption bill from lawmakers, the state's conservatives obliged -- but only until they could introduce a standalone proposal that would give adoption agencies the freedom to turn down prospective parents based on their lifestyle. "Some will believe in same-sex marriage, others don't, whether it's by faith or other reasons," the bill's sponsor, Republican State Senator William Ligon said. "As a pluralistic society, we need to figure out ways to accommodate that and not pressure one group to accept another group's version of marriage." 
Even before the Obergefell ruling, adoption was an explosive issue in places like Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Massachusetts, who cut off government grants for organizations like Catholic Charities because they sought what the social science research made abundantly clear were the safest and most nurturing environment for kids. If Deal gets his way, it would be open season on groups who take the well-being of children into account in adoption placement. 
This is how backwards we've become as a society. America's focus is no longer the well-being of children but on the "well-being" of a small but well organized political minority that uses Saul Alinsky tactics to force politicians into doing their illogical bidding. There's an abundance of social science data supporting the common-sense belief that children do best when raised by a married mother and father. In the largest peer-review study ever done on same-sex parenting, Dr. Mark Regnerus found that the emotional, financial, academic, and physical outcomes of kids raised in same-sex homes rated "suboptimal" or "negative" in almost every category. Because of that, there's every rational basis for agencies to prefer natural families over same-sex couples in adoption.
Why would anyone -- including Deal -- put the agencies that care about the social science out of business? Faith-based adoption agencies should never have to choose between their beliefs and helping people. That would be devastating – and not just for Georgia. Believe it or not, one of the biggest engines for adoption in America are private, social service agencies like Catholic Charities, who would sooner close its doors than compromise their biblical beliefs. 
If Georgia accepts Deal's terms, faith-based groups would be driven out of the adoption business -- leaving children and prospective parents with even fewer options for building families. Adoption is not -- and should never be -- about adults. This is about giving children the best chance to succeed in life. It's a shame Nathan Deal refuses to.

In the above tantrum, Perkins spins two distortions. And I think he knows this because both have been cited before by Perkins and those who on his side of this issue.  And both have been refuted time and time again, including by me. Someone needs to inform Perkins and FRC that the repetition of a lie doesn't change said lie into truth.

First of all, let's be clear about what Perkins favors. He thinks that citing "religious beliefs" should be a useful way for adoption agencies to discriminate against same-sex couples while helping themselves to the tax money paid in part by those couples they are discriminating against.

Now let's tackle the distortions.