Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Charlotte Observer: Franklin Graham is becoming 'irrelevant'

Franklin Graham
More negative fall out for Franklin Graham because of his criticism of presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg's sexual orientation. His hometown newspaper, the Charlotte Observer issued a blistering reprimand, calling him irrelevant and hypocritical. Part of it reads as follows:

Graham is not the Christian leader he once was. He’s a man whose organization does wonderful work, but he’s also one whose words have become increasingly and gloriously irrelevant. 
In part, that’s because Graham’s perspective on homosexuality has been pushed to the fringe, but it’s also because of how he has marginalized himself with his vocal support of Donald Trump. Like other supposed faith leaders, Graham has been caught in the trap of politically supporting a man with so many moral failings. How do you tell a gay candidate to repent but utter hardly a peep about the philandering, dishonest man who now holds the office? There’s only one way to get past that inconsistency, and that’s to pretend it doesn’t exist. So Graham has chosen to do something that even many Trump supporters won’t do — he calls the president’s affairs “alleged” and exalts him as a defender of the faith. 
And like Trump, Graham has abandoned any pretense of moderation.

Ouch! That's gotta hurt.