Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Hate group will appeal after court refuses to support its preemptive strike against LGBTQ rights

Anti-LGBTQ hate group the Alliance Defending Freedom is continuing to wage war against our community via the courts:

From Westword:

Conservative Christians were among those thrilled last year when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Jack Phillips, owner of Lakewood's Masterpiece Cakeshop, who had refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. 
Now, Alliance Defending Freedom, the national organization that backed Phillips, is hoping to expand on this victory by way of another Colorado-based case. This time around, the ADF is supporting Lorie Smith, a web designer and owner of 303 Creative, in her fight against what the organization describes as "a state law provision that gags creative professionals from talking about their beliefs when explaining their business decisions." 
The United States District Court in Colorado found against Smith in September 2019. But (in late October), the ADF appealed that decision, potentially setting the controversy on the same path taken by Phillips.