Monday, December 09, 2019

My opening shot in the '2019 War on Christmas' - Trump DID NOT 'bring Christmas back,' you morons

The religious right and other Trump supporters have been trying to establish a narrative that Donald Trump supposedly 'brought Christmas back.' Their subtle dog whistle appealing to racist attitudes make it imperative for us to remind people of the wonderful Christmas greetings and celebrations which took place when Obama was in office.

The religious right and other Trump supporters are not only intent on handing him credit for Obama's policy successes, but they also seem to be determined to craft a narrative that Obama wrecked American traditions and values and that Trump is restoring them.

It's especially annoying during the religious right's annual "War on Christmas" freak out. There has been a vile addition to their yearly bitchfest that the forces of darkness are trying to eliminate "Christ in Christmas."

They are claiming that Donald Trump "brought Christmas" back.

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council -  "America isn't the only thing making a comeback under President Trump -- so is Christmas! The candidate who vowed, "We're gonna be saying Merry Christmas again," delivered on that promise again in a big way Thursday night. Thirty-feet of big, to be exact. In front of the giant spruce, the president made it very clear that this event wasn't about illuminating the tree -- but shining a light on the real reason for the season." 

Robert Jeffress, prominent Trump supporting pastor - “President Trump celebrates Christmas, has brought it back to the forefront of our country, and that means bringing Christ back as well.”

We've gone through this every year since Trump has been in office.