Thursday, October 29, 2020

Melania Trump and the Log Cabin Republicans must think that LGBTQ people are stupid

First Lady Melania Trump (top photo) and the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay conservative group ,(bottom photo) are attempting to pass off Donald Trump as an LGBTQ ally. They must be out of their minds.

When it comes to upcoming election, Donald Trump, First Lady Melania, and the Log Cabin Republicans obviously think LGBTQ people are naive or stupid.

From The Advocate:

First Lady Melania Trump filmed a video for the Log Cabin Republicans — an LGBTQ+ GOP organization that endorsed Donald Trump's reelection — claiming her husband is pro-gay, even though his policies have harmed gay people and the entire LGBTQ+ community. 

 The video begins with the first lady claiming her husband is an "outsider" who wants all Americans to prosper, though he has staked his entire political career on white grievance and overt racism. Melania Trump then reverted to the role her family often falls back on: victim. 

She claimed Donald Trump earned the ire of powerful political insiders because he challenged the status quo. "I was shocked to discover that some of these powerful people have tried to paint my husband as antigay or against equality," Trump says. "Nothing could be further from the truth."

 . . . Melania Trump also touts her husband's appointment of Richard Grenell as ambassador to Germany and, later, acting national security advisor. Grenell resigned in June and has previously been accused of xenophobia and misogny. Grenell defended Donald Trump tear-gassing peaceful protesters this summer so he could have a photo op in front of a church. 

 Melania Trump also claims that "as the leader of the Republican Party and president of the United States, Donald has been clear that gays and lesbians have been treated as he has always treated them, equally."

You can go to the link if you want to see the ad because I refuse to soil my blog page with that shit. It just pisses me off "to the highest levels of pissivity" for a number of reasons. 

From having anti-LGBTQ spokespeople such as Roger Severino in his administration waging war on our health to his ban on transgender people serving in the military via inaccurate information to his administration unsuccessfully arguing in front of the Supreme Court that it was perfectly legal to fire people for being LGBTQ, Trump has waged a silent but debilitating and depressing war against LGBTQ people.

And even after all of that, here comes his wife and some fools who really should - and probably do - know better attempting to convince us that he's our best friend.

At least with Franklin Graham, the Family Research Council, the Alliance Defending Freedom, and the rest of the anti-LGBTQ industry, we know where we stand. We don't like them and they don't like us. There is something morbidly wonderful about having someone being upfront about opposing you.

It's entirely different when someone smiles in your face while trying to convince you that they are your best friend even after they've publicly, unashamedly, and repeatedly worked to undermine your rights and safety. It's even worse when they know that you know that they are lying but will lie to you anyway in hopes that you are naive enough to believe them.

It takes a certain type of evil to have that sort of temerity. A rotten, fetid, putrid, lack of self-respect type of evil.  It's the kind of evil which ranks down there with a group betraying their own people status and power. WHICH brings me to Richard Grenell and the Log Cabin Republicans.

I can't say what I want when it comes to that bunch because it involves - at the very least - figuratively jumping down throats and stomping livers. But I suggest that if this nonsense angers you - and it should - then go and vote in order to prove that you won't fall for this bullshit.

And if you need anymore incentive and a list to show to those believing this mess, check out this wonderful article -  No, Trump Is Not a Friend to LGBTQ+ People. Here's the Evidence

'First LGBTQ case for new SCOTUS justice Barrett comes next week' & other Thur midday news briefs


Amy Coney Barrett

Advocates fear Barrett will strip away gay rights. It could begin next week. - Next week promises to be interesting for a multitude of reasons. And hopefully no one will be too distracted to notice this one. We've worried about how Barrett will look at LGBTQ equality. The first test is will she say that LGBTQ taxpayers have to give up our money to entities who want to discriminate against us?

Obama protections the Trump administration has rescinded (or hopes to) - For those folks in our community who delude themselves when it comes to Trump's "support" of us. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

American anti-LGBTQ industry sinking millions in European countries to roll back rights of women & LGBTQ people

Donald Trump's lawyer, Jay Sekulow, is involved in an attempt to roll back the rights of women and LGBTQ people in European countries.

This is something we need to keep our eyes on. The anti-LGBTQ industry is sinking an immense amount of money in Europe.

 Twenty-eight U.S. Christian right groups have spent millions of dollars pursuing conservative agendas that threaten LGBTQ and women’s rights in Europe, a new investigation by British news website openDemocracy found Tuesday. 
The investigation by openDemocracy found that more than two dozen organizations have been involved in legal battles across Europe opposing same-sex adoption, defending legislation against same-sex couples and restricting access to contraception and abortion. According to the report, the majority of the money spent by these groups in Europe came from two Christian legal advocacy groups, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) and the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the latter of which the Southern Poverty Law Center has listed as a designated hate group for its support of anti-LGBTQ legislation both in the U.S. and abroad.

 . . . Together, both the ACLJ and the ADF spent more than $3.7 million in Europe in 2018, according to openDemocracy’s findings based on publicly available non-profit tax filings. The 28 organizations surveyed by openDemocracy spent more than $88 million in Europe between 2007 and 2018—an amount greater than anywhere else outside of the United States, followed by Africa, Asia and Latin America. The findings come ahead of the U.S. presidential elections on Nov. 3 and amid what activists say is a worrying rollback of women’s and LGBTQ rights in central and eastern Europe.

According to the openDemocracy report, both groups have intervened in European cases regarding women's reproductive rights and LGBTQ equality. Time magazine said the following:

Both the ACLJ and the ADF have intervened in dozens of European court cases over the past 10 years. President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Jay Sekulow, who served as counsel for the president’s impeachment trial, has been the chief counsel for the ACLJ since 1991. The organization has backed the Polish government several times on its stances on abortion and LGBTQ rights, including submitting arguments earlier this month in favour of the conservative government’s most recent abortion restrictions that have sparked international protests. Earlier this year, the European arm of the ACLJ also criticized the European Commission’s decision to cut funding to Poland’s regions and towns that declared themselves homophobic “LGBT-free zones.” OpenDemocracy says the ACLJ did not respond to its requests for comment. 

 The ADF also has links to the Trump Administration as former staffers, allies and supporters of the organization have been appointed to roles in government, and has significantly increased its funding in Europe, spending more than $2.5 million in 2018 compared to $1.4 million in 2014. According to its website, the organization’s international arm “provides funding for cases with high potential to set major international legal precedents.”

It's another reminder that the most dangerous opposition to our rights and safety come from those who can successfully manipulate behind the curtain. Not those who make public spectacles of themselves.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

GOP smear that Biden supports surgery for transgender children backfires

In the same manner they've targeted LGBTQ people during other elections in the past, GOP operatives are attempting to help Trump by lying about Joe Biden and transgender children.

But in this case, truth smacked them in the face. 

According to Raw Story:

A reporter for The Philadelphia Inquirer this week cornered a Trump-loving GOP operative for sending text messages to voters falsely claiming that Democratic presidential nominee supports having 8-year-old children undergo gender reassignment surgery. Terry Schilling, the executive director of the right-wing American Principles Project, defended his organization for sending out text messages to voters that cast false aspersion on Biden’s position that transgender children shouldn’t face discrimination.

The Philadelphia Inquirer said voters across the state of Pennsylvania got a text message telling them to watch a 30 second video in which a narrator accused Biden of endorsing transgender medical procedures for children as young as eight-years-old.

But according to the article's author, Chris Brennan, the claim is a lie:

The video includes images of Biden speaking to Mieke Haeck, the mother of an 8-year-old transgender child at an Oct. 15 ABC town hall in Philadelphia. Biden told Haeck “there should be zero discrimination” against transgender people, including children.

That was it. The statement which led APP to make its claim. 

When confronted by Brennan, Schilling, head of the APP,  said that Biden's statement could be extrapolated to mean that he does in fact support surgery for transgender children  It was obvious by the interview that Schilling was attempting to create another fake controversy against Biden not unlike the recent flop regarding his son's "emails." Brennan pointed out that the Biden camp didn't take the bait, but Mieke Haeck, the mother of the transgender child, was furious about how Schilling's group  exploited her family:

She called APP’s claims a “blatant lie” and considered the PAC’s video so over the top in its attempt to be scary that it was “almost laughable.” Haeck would have told Schilling that, if his PAC had reached out to her. “It has nothing to do with medical intervention, medication or surgery,” she said of her question for Biden. “That’s not what we’re talking about. It’s about my daughter using she and her pronouns, growing her hair and being who she is in her heart.”

Also, Brennan pointed out that the Associated Press had already debunked the lies about Biden and surgery for transgender children.

To reiterate,  the GOP sought to exploit fears and ignorance about the LGBTQ community in order to create a fake controversy against Biden. None of the parties they were targeting seemed to be biting. But those who were biting took a chunk out of their asses. So to speak.

'For transgender Americans, election stokes hopes and fear' & other Tue midday news briefs

Editor's Note - by the time you read this, Amy Coney Barrett will be a SCOTUS judge. There was no doubt that it would end this way. But there is much doubt that is THE END at all for us, our safety, and equality. Don't ever lose hope. And above all, get out there and vote if you haven't already.

For transgender advocates, election stokes hopes and fears - Yep and for the rest of us, too. But the trans community has a deeper stake because Trump devoted much of his anti-LGBTQ policy against them. 

Another gay teacher fired. LGBTQ students face expulsion. Discrimination continues in Florida schools | Commentary - From a publicly funded voucher school. So they want our tax money and also the ability to fire us for being LGBTQ.

Monday, October 26, 2020

The Lincoln Project recreates Trump's presidency as an animated, dismal fairy tale


Of all the ads the Lincoln Project has come up with to call out Donald Trump, I think this is one of the most incredibly potent. And that's saying a lot because the group has been a shining star throughout this entire election season. But this ad, which portrays the years of the Trump presidency as a dark fairy tale full of grim tidings, should be remembered. Particularly the lesson at the end.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Top 10 LGBTQ+ Couples on Animated Shows


This list came out last month and I'm rather fond of it. When I was a little boy - hell even when I was a teen and young adult - they wouldn't dare have LGBTQ+ characters on animated shows. Now it's happening on not only one show, but several at the same time. And without hardly any controversy. It's always a good thing when progress is made, but progress made without folks acting like fools is extra special.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Trump Evangelical - If Christians (like him) don't vote, bestiality will become accepted in America



Feel free to laugh as long as you remember that people like him vote. We should be voting too.  

 Frank Amedia,  . . .  who founded the POTUS Shield prayer effort to wage spiritual warfare on behalf of President Donald Trump, released a video last Friday in which he claimed that God told him that he is going to shift the polls in key races heading into the election so that Republican candidates gain 5 points, while Democratic candidates lose 5 points. And to drive home the point of just how important it is for Christians to vote, Amedia warned that failure to do so would result in an America where “animalism” is accepted and “somebody can marry a cow and have perverse sex with them.”

 . . . “This is about morality,” he said, “This is about same-sex marriage not being approved and blessed in this country. This is not about us changing genders into five and six different meanings now. Even sexual preference has all of a sudden been changed in the dictionary to where it’s offensive. How far do they want us to go? Wait until animalism becomes acceptable and somebody can marry a cow and have perverse sex with them. You think I’m laughing. That’s what’s going to come.”

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

United States to team with countries who persecute LGBTQ people for 'pro-family' manifesto, including 'Kill the Gays' bill sponsor Uganda

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

This is dedicated to those in our community who seem to think that Donald Trump is pro-LGBTQ, particularly Brandon Straka, Chadwick Moore, and Richard Grenell.

According to People for the American Way's Right Wing Watch, the Trump Administration, led by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is making a move on the international stage with regards to women's health and the LGBTQ community.

And it's not a positive one:

On Thursday, Oct. 22, less than two weeks before an election that could bring the Trump administration to a close, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Health and Human Service Secretary Alex Azar are scheduled to join Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia, and Uganda in sponsoring a virtual ceremony to sign the “Geneva Consensus Declaration,” reports the Independent, which notes that, other than the U.S., the sponsoring nations involved “have strict laws on both abortion and same-sex or ban each entirely.” 

 The HHS announcement of the event says the declaration “further strengthens a coalition to achieve these four pillars: (1) better health for women, (2) the preservation of human life, (3) strengthening of family as the foundational unit of society, and (4) protecting every nation’s sovereignty in global politics.”

 The event appears to be a culmination of Pompeo’s intensive efforts to build opposition to any international recognition of a right to reproductive choice—and his zeal to undermine international recognition of the rights of LGBTQ people while celebrating governmental enforcement of “traditional” religious values on gender, sexuality, and family.

The article from the Independent said the following:

Appointed by the president in 2018, secretary Pompeo has been seeking to push a pro-life US foreign policy during his time in office. Late last month he attempted to use a US-sponsored UN event as a platform to redefine international human rights and prioritize “religious freedom” over LGBTQ equality. But the event was boycotted by most EU member states. 

 In a speech titled 'Promoting and Protecting Human Rights: A Re-Dedication to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights', secretary Pompeo told those nations in attendance that international human rights protections are in “crisis". At the meeting he also touted a recent Trump commission report which elevated rights such as religious freedom as "unalienable", meaning they can't be taken away. The report also dismissed abortion and same-sex marriage as "divisive social and political controversies".

Points 1 and 2 of this "manifesto" seems to be a clever way of standing for the restriction of abortion, which is bad enough. Points 3 and 4 should bring chills to LGBTQ people because even though we aren't mentioned per se, we would be negatively affected, Particularly point 4 with regards to "sovereignty." It means the United States would not say a word if a foreign nation chooses to persecute its gay citizens.

And that would be a huge point to make when one takes into account the nations participating in this "manifesto." At least two are infamously known for their opposition to LGBTQ rights and their persecution of their own LGBTQ  citizens.

According to PinkNews, Hungary's LGBTQ community have faced concentrated attacks by its government. Prime Minister Viktor Orban made it his mission to persecute LGBTQ people from creating false panics that they are after children to attempts to eliminate transgender rights. 

And then there's Uganda, where persecution against LGBTQ people became an ugly international incident in 2009 when a bill was introduced which sought to execute people for being LGBTQ.  Uganda faced a huge backlash which lasted for years. The bill was changed from the penalty being death to that of life imprisonment and Uganda's parliament made it a law in 2013. In 2014, Uganda's Constitutional Court struck it down based on a technicality.

Last year however, Ugandan officials began looking to resurrect the law. And this time, should the law be resurrected and Trump receives a second term, don't count on the United States being in the chorus of countries condemning it.  So much for Trump's supposed effort to decriminalize homosexuality worldwide. Of course that effort was bogus. And this act by Pompeo merely cements that fact.

Just something to think about when you're in the voting booth. That is if the Trump Administration hasn't given you enough already to think about.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Tiffany Trump gets 'Twitter-dragged' because of awful 'Gays for Trump' event

News and video came out on Monday about gay pro-Trump event held by his daughter, Tiffany. It's one in a series of pro-gay events the Trump campaign has held in an attempt to gaslight the LGBTQ community into believing that he supports us. Apparently the Trump family thinks we have short memories when it comes to the attempts to eliminate our rights these past four years.

The event was a disaster. And the icing on this stale cake was Tiffany's speech:

According to Raw Story

The event was said to have around a dozen people in attendance and was co-headlined by former White House official Richard Grenell. “I know what my father believes in,” Trump said at one point. “Prior to politics, he supported gays, lesbians, the LGBQIA plus!” Many commenters noted that she omitted the “T” from LGBTQ, which stands for transgender people.

That's not all commentators did.  Apparently it was "let's drag Tiffany Trump on Twitter" day as folks called her out on everything from the dress, to her alleged inebriation, to wondering if she has moved past Eric Trump when one thinks of the Trump sibling with, shall we say, less upstairs. Some tweet are as follows:

'Man drove 500 miles in attempt to kill his lesbian daughter' & other Tue midday news briefs


Man drove 500 miles to kill his lesbian daughter after she came out - She is safe. He didn't get to lay a hand on her but good mercy! Let's never forget how universal our struggle is. 

Political & judicial appointments for LGBTQ people are also on the ballot - It's about much more than who the president gets to be. 

Anchorage chooses 1st woman, openly gay acting mayor - The irony is that this happened because of a heterosexual sex scandal. 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Franklin Graham wants you to pray for his golden calf

With the election two weeks away, you can feel both sides getting more and more anxious. While there have been predictions as to who will win, folks on my side of the aisle have been pushing heavily for us to not get complacent and vote in large numbers. The debacle of 2016 which left America trapped in the lowest pit of hell - i.e. at the mercy of a Trump administration - has been a great motivator. Over 29 million American have already voted early and that number is going to increase.

On the other side of the spectrum, there is a fearful weariness that it may be all over and the bill is coming for some of them who sacrificed their names and integrity for a little power and some conservative judges.

Naturally I am talking about Trump evangelical Franklin Graham. Graham went all in for Trump by ignoring or making excuse for his excesses. And as we near election day, there is a fear one can sense in his tweets:

Don't let Graham's eagerness to deceive fool you. This is what he's wanting you to pray for:


Don't mistake this post for gloating. Graham holds sway over thousands of people and they will be voting. I can attest to that. We have to go out in larger numbers and with more enthusiasm. We already have the numbers and enthusiasm. Now it is imperative that we follow through with action.

But to the post at hand, pray that Trump receives a second term? How about we pray that sanity rules this time and that Americans learn the lesson of how important our votes are so that in the future, we don't get complacent. And last but not least, how about we pray that those who designate themselves as our religious leaders put sincerity and love over their desire for personal power.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Donald Trump's Dance of COVID Deaths

While the coronavirus rages, Donald Trump still has no plan to combat it. He's surrendered to it. Instead he holds superspreader rallies against the advice of health officials, where he dances rather badly while encouraging unhealthy behavior which will only make infections and deaths increase. The only thing Donald Trump will accomplish if he does receive a second term is the killing of more Americans. Think about this if you are undecided, leaning towards voting for him, or not voting at all.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Anti-gay congressional candidate storms out of interview when 'receipts' are pulled out about her support of QAnon conspiracies

Angela Stanton-King (seen here with Donald Trump) storms out of interview when confronted about her QAnon conspiracy theories.

I do adore this development

 On Wednesday, Angela Stanton-King — a Trump-loving GOP candidate running for the late civil rights hero Rep. John Lewis’ congressional seat in Metro Atlanta — was interviewed by The Guardian‘s Oliver Laughland, and angrily cut short the interview when asked about her past tweets appearing to reference the QAnon conspiracy theory. Believers of QAnon, which holds that Trump is secretly working to bring down a Democratic-controlled ring of cannibalistic, Satanic pedophiles, have dabbled in anti-Semitism and have been flagged as a source of domestic terrorism. As a result, some Republican candidates who have affiliated themselves with it now try to deny their involvement — as Stanton-King tried to do.

As you can see in the tweet below, girlfriend tried Laughland and he pulled out the receipts:

I especially loved this because earlier this year, I had a blow up with Ms. Stanton- King when she accused gay men of being violent pedophiles. 

Ms. Stanton-King learned on that day. Just like she learned Wednesday. And as long as she continues to proudly drape herself in ignorance, she will continue to learn.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Ignoring Barrett's relationship with anti-LGBTQ hate group is a mistake by the media

The media is trivializing SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett's (top photo) relationship with hate group the Alliance Defending Freedom (bottom photo).

There are so many issues which the media can pull from the Amy Coney Barrett hearings.  But sadly, one is being overlooked. Barrett has a relationship with anti-LGBTQ group the Alliance Defending Freedom. and the media is being rather lackadaisical about exploring it. 

One prominent publication, Mediaite, framed it as such:

Barrett spoke five times beginning in 2011 to students participating in the Blackstone Legal Fellowship, a program operated by the Christian legal group Alliance Defending Freedom, The group has successfully litigated cases before the Supreme Court including Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado, in which the court ruled that a Colorado baker could not be legally compelled to make a cake for a gay wedding.

Democrats widely disdain the organization and have sought to raise doubts about Barrett’s qualifications in connection with her past speeches. Hawley suggested Democrats were seeking to make Christians “second-class citizens.” 

“Are you aware of anything in the Constitution or our laws that say that it is a disqualification for office for a believer of religious faith to go and lecture to law students of a similar faith, in her area of expertise?” Hawley added, addressing Barrett. “I want to be careful that I’m not veering into answering hypothetical questions, but I certainly don’t think there was anything wrong with my going to speak to a group of Christian law students about my expertise,” Barrett replied.

The article is missing a lot of context and comes across as dismissive. Here are details it should have included.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Franklin Graham debases himself by implying that a vote for Trump = a vote for Jesus.

Franklin Graham

The noxious fusion between conservative evangelical leaders and Donald Trump took another step recently thanks to prime Trump cheerleader Franklin Graham. According to Right Wing Watch, Graham enlisted the help of several other Trump supporting evangelicals to transform an issue of a magazine run by his father's organization into a 2020 electoral brochure:

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, now led by Billy Graham’s right-wing​-activist son Franklin Graham, has turned the October issue of its “Decision” magazine into a virtual 38-page campaign brochure for President Donald Trump and the Republican Party. Franklin Graham hosted a “prayer march” on the National Mall on Sept. 26, the same day a group of End Time​s “prophets” hosted a rally calling for national repentance and revival.


It's called Election 2020 - Two Visions for America but it should be called Why Jesus Wants You to Vote for Donald Trump. And in case you think I'm being overly dramatic, check out the cover. 

Talk about throwing shade:

In case you haven't guessed by now, this magazine is an embarrassingly slobbering tribute to Trump. It's all about the courts, abortion, and LGBTQ rights (under the guise of claiming that they threaten "religious liberty). while either tiptoeing over other probably more vital issues such as the economy, racial justice, poverty, jobs, or even COVID.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Sorry, Family Research Council but the APA opposes 'ex-gay' therapy

It goes without saying that LGBTQ people have a lot of work to do when it comes to calling out the anti-LGBTQ industry, i.e. the organizations and personalities better known as the religious right. For years, they have been allowed to control most of the narrative when it comes to our rights and safety. They've demonized us and stigmatized our families with fear tactics, cherry-picked science, and out-and-out lies. And hiding behind  a veneer of religion while doing it.

While it has been difficult to point these facts out,  the difficulty does not lie with the lack of information or incidents of lies. Probably because they feel that they won't be called out, religious right groups and personalities openly and brazenly distort legitimate information to lie on LGBTQ people.

One example of this is recent piece by SPLC-designated hate group, the Family Research Council. 

A few days ago, Facebook removed the page of Restored Hope Network. Restored Hope Network is a  group of organizations pushing the false science of 'ex-gay' therapy or the belief that people can change their sexual orientation. Needless to say, a lot of folks on that side of the spectrum are angry, including FRC,  at Facebook over this

One of FRC's spokespeople, Peter Sprigg, claimed that it was blatant censorship. He also that there should be a debate about whether or not people can change their sexual orientation. To back up his claim, he included information from the American Psychological Association:

This focus on the causes of same-sex attraction is squarely within the realm of mainstream scientific debate. Even the American Psychological Association, though critical of SOCE (sexual orientation change efforts), has said: "[M]uch research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social and cultural influences on sexual orientation... Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles..."

Even though Sprigg acknowledges that the APA is critical of 'ex-gay' therapy, he deliberately omits just how critical the organization is of the practice.

'Appeals court gives another victory to gay couple and their child over the Trump Administration' & other Mon midday news briefs

Child Born Abroad To Gay Couple Is A US Citizen, Federal Court Rules - The Trump Administration lost the original case and now loses in an appeals court. It needs to stop trying to harm gay families.

LGBTQ community mourns death of trans journalist Monica Roberts - Yes we are. She was my friend and my ally. She supported me without even knowing who I was. I sincerely miss this black queen. 

National Coming Out Day: Coming out during a pandemic - Wonderful, thought-provoking piece.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

41 Times Titus Andromedon from 'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmitt' Was So Beyond Extra


Who is Titus Andromedon? Probably the funniest black gay character in the history of television. He is almost every negative stereotype about gay men (minus the ones about crimes and disease) exaggerated twice and then turned on their heads to reveal an original character who is unapologetically gay and more flaming than an army of drag queens trying to meet RuPaul. He is the perfect person to spotlight on National Coming Out Day and take our minds off of a emotional heavy week while easing us into another probably stress-heavy week. 

Openly gay actor Tituss Burgess received four consecutive Emmy nominations for playing this enormously entertaining breakout character from Netflix show Unbreakable Kimmy Schmitt.

Hat tip to Next of Kin.

Thursday, October 08, 2020

The Passage of a Queen

 There will be no news briefs on Friday as this blog will be celebrating the life of Monica Roberts.

Monica Roberts

I first met Monica Roberts in 2011. It was during Netroots Nation held in Minnesota. It was an interesting time for me and my blog because it was the first time I met other LGBTQ bloggers. I was very nervous as it was and being invited to participate in a panel discussion didn't exactly help me calm my nerves.

I don't remember what I said exactly. Most likely it was about myself and how my blog was created to expose religious right lies about LGBTQ people. It was all a jumble. But what I do remember was the voice in the audience which rang through the room like a one-person amen corner during my verbal introduction. 

"Tell the truth and shame the devil."

I looked to see where the voice was coming from and that's when I first saw Monica sitting upright in her chair in the middle of the room like a queen holding court. Tall and seemingly imposing but not too imposing as she smiled at me like we were old friends.  And it felt that way to me, too.

I had heard about her because she was already a legend in the transgender community and the LGBTQ community at large. She at times had gotten people angry at her. But a lot of those people had it coming. Other folks who had gotten angry at her quickly understood where she was coming from and became her friends.

I was never had an angry word for her and she never had one for me. The times we met at conferences like Netroots was always a gathering of not just old friends, but family. Monica always felt like a family member to me. An older sister who you admired for her drive, the power of her words, how she always had something going on to change the world, and most of all the fire that drove her.

That's what Monica Roberts was to me. Fire. Bright and magnificent. Power personified but always warming and welcoming. Confident in who she was, not just as a transgender woman, but a black transgender woman. She never diluted any part of who she was and she never played games with you.

She was everything I wanted to be as an LGBTQ person and as an activist - loud when needed be, outspoken and articulate,  and always having her hand in several projects to make our community safer and more complete.

I knew her mostly by her GLAAD award-winning blog Transgriot but she was involved in so many other issues and projects having to do with the trans community and LGBTQ people in general. She wore so many hats and with style. Most of all, she never forgot that it was about all of us.

She's gone now. Off to a better world and I hope a rich reward for her service. Tributes are beginning to roll in and Monica deserves all of them.

For now, my world is emptier and sadder with her not in it. But the LGBTQ community and the world in general is in a much better state because of the time she was in it.

Monica brought the fire. Let's never forget that. And even in our sadness, let's never forget to carry that fire.

Related post - Monica Roberts, Pioneering, Acclaimed TransGriot Blogger, Has Died

Two debates, two takes - 'Apex predator' versus the 'lying bitch'

I wasn't going to say a word about the VP debate but a tweet caught my eye and because of it, I'm going to bring up a point which should speak for itself. Last week, after Trump's disastrous performance at the first presidential debate, folks at Fox News created an alternate reality by categorizing his constant interrupting and general rude behavior as as positive:

"I think what we saw tonight, Donald Trump is absolutely a fighter," said Sarah Sanders, the former White House press secretary. "He has been since day one." 

"Trump is an apex predator, he's the Lion King," Fox News contributor and right-wing media personality Dan Bongino declared. "Trump went out there tonight and did what Trump does. He's the shark in the ocean and he acted like it."

"Joe Biden did look frail," commented Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz.

In contrast, this is Republican consultant and Trump surrogate Harlan Z Hill described Sen Kamala Harris's behavior during her debate with VP Mike Pence, behavior which stemmed from watching Pence either lying during his time or talking over her and moderator Susan Page:

I cannot begin to speak on what it's like to be a woman, particularly a woman running for political office. But I don't think you have to be a woman to be disturbed by the ugly double standard shown here. 

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

'COVITA' starring Donald Trump


If you Broadway fans loved Evita, then you'll absolutely adore  Covita, starring that unloveable super spreader, Donald Trump. And you wouldn't be alone. Released on Tuesday, the video has already received over 1.5 million views.

Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Family Research Council elevates of the myth of 'Super Trump' defeating COVID

Tony Perkins and his group, the Family Research Council, embraces the lie that Trump defeated COVID.

In spite of Trump's recent irresponsible behavior with regard to his COVID diagnosis, he can always find support from the religious right. These groups and their leaders will shower Trump with praise no matter what he does or the lives he endangers. They are so dependent on the power he gives them over White House policy and the choices he makes when it comes to judges, that they bend over backwards to embrace his version of reality. Even to the point of openly embarrassing themselves.

An example of this is an incredibly awful piece from Family Research Council president Tony Perkins. With a title like Trump Tests Positive for Fearlessness, you just know it's going to be some straight up bullshit.

And Perkins doesn't disappoint

While the other side is trying to push Americans back into their caves, President Trump refuses to believe that the solution is hiding out until the virus has passed. He made the decision long ago that the business of the country must go on, even choosing -- to the horror of liberals and their friends in the media -- to host a Rose Garden ceremony for the nomination his Supreme Court pick, Amy Coney Barrett. Now, days later, as the country pours over the photo from that event, dissecting who was and wasn't masked, there's plenty of finger-pointing and speculation about who might have been exposed. But in the end, that's all it is: speculation. The reality is, no one knows where and when the president was infected.

Some people have noticed that I was in the photo too, sitting just a few seats away from former Governor Chris Christie. I wasn't wearing a mask, because I've already had coronavirus. And those of us who have the antibodies need to be out and about, because we become part of the process that stops the spread. But if we hide in our homes, waiting for a vaccine, we'll never reach herd immunity. And in the meantime, we'll destroy our economy, drive up societal pathologies because of isolation and stress, and leave hurting people -- thanks to shuttered churches -- without a single place to turn.

 . . . We all need to take our cue from this president and stare down these challenges with boldness. "His push to reopen the economy, get people back to their jobs... were exactly the kinds of things a president must do to rally the nation during a crisis," Michael Goodwin applauded. "While many on the Left have help up Biden's hermit-like behavior as a model of safety, it is impossible to govern that way. No president can remain isolated and appear frightened and still command the respect and trust of the public. To his everlasting credit, Trump never stopped being president out of fear of getting sick."

The reality is a bit less pandering towards Trump:

Trump mounts bizarre and misleading White House return despite warnings

Trump's Covid performance makes you wonder if he believes his own lies — or just wants us to

Trump returns to comparing COVID-19 to the flu: 'We have learned to live with it'

Domestic Workers React With Anger After Trump Says 'Don't Be Afraid of Covid'

Trump's focus remains on himself even as virus ravages country

We have all seen that Trump is willing to sacrifice Americans for the sake of being re-elected. Now we are also seeing that Perkins and the Family Research Council is willing to do the same to keep their "access" to Trump and the power he gives them.

'COVID 19 pandemic wreaking mental havoc on LGBTQ youth' & other Tue midday news briefs

Majority of LGBTQ youth experiencing anxiety, depression amid Covid, poll find - This is a serious problem.

Twitter users take over Proud Boys hashtag with photos of LGBTQ love - In case you missed it, LGBTQ folks struck a serious blow against hate. Symbolic in a way but it meant the world to a lot of people. 

Gavin Newsom nominates first gay, Black man to CA Supreme Court - Sweet!

Supreme Court Smacks Down Appeal By Official Who Refused Same-Sex Marriage Licenses - However, two justices revealed that they are practically drooling to snatch marriage equality away from us. And on the most ridiculous grounds.