Franklin Graham points the finger at 'sin' for the coronavirus. Fails to see the three fingers pointing back at himself.

Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham on Saturday night talking with Jeanine Pirro on Fox:

. . .  Graham was asked to make sense of Covid-19’s worldwide devastation, and the Fox host wondered “How could God allow this thing to happen?” “Well, I don’t think it’s God’s plan for this to happen. It’s because of the sin that’s in the world,” Graham answered. “Man has turned his back on God, we have sinned against him, and we need to ask for God’s forgiveness and that’s what Easter’s all about.” After recalling the story of Easter, Graham continued to say “this pandemic, this is the result of a fallen world. A world that has turned its back on God.”

Also from Franklin Graham, but not last night when pontificating about sin. This was last year when he was defending Donald Trump (yet again):

“I don’t think the president is sitting there behind the desk trying to make up lies,” Graham said. “I don’t believe that for a second. Has he misspoken on something? Sure, all of us do that, you do it, I do it. So I think the president is trying to do the best that he can under very difficult circumstances,” the pastor added. 
At the time, Trump had been shown to have lied over 8,000 times. And then there are tweets from Graham about Trump like so:

It's the first time I have ever seen a supposed man of God calling out sin for the world's calamities while hoping that people forget how much sympathy he's shown for the devil.