Coronavirus pandemic villain - Pastor Tony Spell

This pandemic has brought the good in a lot of people and turned the spotlight on those professions which we needlessly take for granted. But I'm not here to talk about the good. Unfortunately, at the same time, some have chosen to exploit this critical situation to get paid, take advantage of the gullible, be selfishness or incompetent ,and basically show their verbal asses to the world.

First up on my list of the latter group is definitely Louisiana pastor Tony Spell of Life Tabernacle Church. He originally made a mockery of himself by refusing to abide by social distancing requirements for his church.   Believe it or not, he has compounded the embarrassment by urging those who receive stimulus checks to give them to either him or other churches. And he didn't even bother to be modest by asking for "some" or a "little." Not even the noted "10 percent" that is genuinely seen as customary tithing. He said give it all. To make matters worse, Spell has a disastrous interview Sunday morning on CNN.   As you can see via the above video, host Victor Blackwell didn't let him sneak by with a thing.