Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Top Best LGBTQ+ Teen TV Couples

This particular post is yet another seemingly frivolous and fun one, but it also carries a message of defiance.

 To the religious right and the anti-LGBTQ industry in general, the thing which sparks anger - other than us winning court cases and living our lives in the splendor of normalcy - is anything which spotlights the existence of LGBTQ youth.

Nothing bums out so-called traditional groups more than the inability to claim that we are freaks and that our existence harms children. And the visibility of  LGBTQ youth really depresses them. They don't like being reminded that  LGBTQ youth get together, form friendships, and even (gasp and shudder) date each other.

With that in mind consider the above post, The 10 Best LGBTQ+ TV Teen Couples, to be a big middle finger to those who would want our children to be gripped with so much fear that they can't go through the normal passages of adolescence, including falling in love and dating.  Granted, the lives of our LGBTQ kids aren't as dramatic as what's on the small screen, but the general point remains that hiding in fear is becoming passe. We're not completely there yet, but we are moving at a good pace. More importantly,  consider it to be a message to LGBTQ youth. There is nothing wrong with who you are and what you're feeling. There is nothing wrong with being open about enjoying the thrills and pangs of your first relationships.

 And most importantly, we've got your back.