Monday, October 19, 2020

Franklin Graham wants you to pray for his golden calf

With the election two weeks away, you can feel both sides getting more and more anxious. While there have been predictions as to who will win, folks on my side of the aisle have been pushing heavily for us to not get complacent and vote in large numbers. The debacle of 2016 which left America trapped in the lowest pit of hell - i.e. at the mercy of a Trump administration - has been a great motivator. Over 29 million American have already voted early and that number is going to increase.

On the other side of the spectrum, there is a fearful weariness that it may be all over and the bill is coming for some of them who sacrificed their names and integrity for a little power and some conservative judges.

Naturally I am talking about Trump evangelical Franklin Graham. Graham went all in for Trump by ignoring or making excuse for his excesses. And as we near election day, there is a fear one can sense in his tweets:

Don't let Graham's eagerness to deceive fool you. This is what he's wanting you to pray for:


Don't mistake this post for gloating. Graham holds sway over thousands of people and they will be voting. I can attest to that. We have to go out in larger numbers and with more enthusiasm. We already have the numbers and enthusiasm. Now it is imperative that we follow through with action.

But to the post at hand, pray that Trump receives a second term? How about we pray that sanity rules this time and that Americans learn the lesson of how important our votes are so that in the future, we don't get complacent. And last but not least, how about we pray that those who designate themselves as our religious leaders put sincerity and love over their desire for personal power.