Wednesday, March 31, 2021

YouTube allowing discredited anti-trans author and Prager U to fundraise off encouraging parents to reject their transgender children

Discredited author Abigail Shrier continues to declare war on transgender children

According to Media Matters, YouTube is doing the transgender community a huge disservice by allowing groups and individuals to fundraise on the message that parents should reject their transgender children. And in doing so, YouTube is ignoring its own community guidelines:

YouTube is helping right-wing propaganda network PragerU to fundraise off of a March 29 video titled “Why Girls Become Boys,” which spreads disinformation about trans youth and health care -- despite YouTube’s Community Guidelines that include protections for trans people. 

The video features anti-trans author Abigail Shrier suggesting that young trans people are not actually trans and that parents should reject their trans kids’ gender identities. Shrier is a major player in the crusade against the rights of trans youth and wrote a book misinforming about trans youth called Irreversible Damage. She also recently testified before the Senate against the Equality Act and has made multiple appearances on Fox News to lie about trans people. 

 The new video with Shrier uses the YouTube Giving program and has earned more than 285,000 views in one day and -- alongside other videos in PragerU’s fundraising campaign on the platform -- has raised more than $51,000. The YouTube Giving Program’s rules say that nonprofits must follow the platform’s Community Guidelines, which supposedly protect trans people. In fact, YouTube has previously removed videos from PragerU and other channels that spread harmful disinformation about trans people, including suggestions that they have a mental illness. 

Shrier, whose book was called out for several distortions (including presenting false anti-trans statistics) has absolutely no expertise in transgender healthcare.