Tuesday, May 18, 2021

11 Gay Actors in the Old Hollywood (if you didn't know who they were, now you do)


 From the video's description box: 
 Male movie stars who were hunks in Old Hollywood represented machismo and the classic expectation that they could always save the damsel in distress before a movie ends. Well, they are able to do this in movies because the script calls for it, but underneath all these bulging muscles and clean cut good looks, is a sexual orientation dilemma that have spooked a lot of these male celebrities. It's either they accepted who they were or suffered by repressing their identities until the end. Get to know who some of them are. 

Nothing here in this video shocks me because I've read about these actors countless times. Consider it as a historical lesson in what some gay men had to do to succeed in Hollywood back in the day. Then compare it to the ways we act and the corners we sometimes cut to succeed in general even now.