Thursday, September 02, 2021

Family Research Council playing the coward's game with COVID pandemic


I received the following email from the Family Research Council:

With rising inflation, radical ideologies sweeping through our schools, and a culture that is increasingly hostile to marriage and children, American families are facing new and more difficult challenges. Instead of proposing real solutions that help families overcome the challenges of today, President Biden has proposed a top-down plan written by America's elites, many of whom do not have children. Currently the U.S. Congress is assembling this plan into a $3.5 trillion bill aimed at raising taxes and forcing an unwanted liberal ideology on families.

 This week, we are highlighting Pray Vote Stand: Biden's "American Families Plan". We encourage you to watch this broadcast on demand now to hear FRC's Mary Szoch, Joy Pullmann of The Federalist, Charmaine Yoest of Heritage Foundation, and Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) outline the problems with Biden's "American Families Plan" and discuss alternative polices that will truly help all families flourish. Deuteronomy 6 says our most sacred responsibility is to raise children who love and embrace biblical truth. Will you join us in prayer for boldness and intentionality to raise up our children as spiritual champions using the prayer points below? 

You will notice that nowhere in the email does FRC even begin to talk about COVID. This is not accidental. The absence of talk about COVID is most striking on the section of FRC's webpage entitled Prayers for Back to School. The section is comprised of 30 prayers which are nothing more than generalities backed by Biblical verses, including:

Pray that parents would lead their children well, modeling a vibrant life of prayer, faith, and Bible study.

Pray that parents would embrace their role as the chief disciple-makers in the home. (Deuteronomy 11:19) 

Pray that parents deciding between public, private, and homeschooling would have the wisdom, resources, courage, and support necessary to do what is best for their family. (Proverbs 3:5-6) 

Pray that Christian students would set an example of purity for their peers in both word and deed and walk in a manner worthy of their calling as followers of Christ. (1 Timothy 4:12; Colossians 1:9-10)

Pray that students returning to in-person schooling would experience smooth transitions as they adjust to the often-changing rules and requirements put in place by school administrators to combat the pandemic. (Philippians 4:13) 

Pray that students would have an attitude of respect for teachers. (Titus 3:1-2) 

 Pray that teachers would have wisdom and insight as they help students start a new school year/semester. (1 Kings 3:9) Pray that Christian teachers would have the boldness to teach facts and critical thinking rather than ideologies and agendas contrary to God's truth. (Joshua 1:9)

 Pray that school administrators would respect religious liberty and biblical values. Pray that they would resist the temptation to cave to pressure from anti-faith groups. (Ephesians 6:13) 

I guess in a normal time, those would be seen as suitable prayers. But this isn't a normal time. In fact based upon these recent headlines, children are going back to school in times which are far from normal:

More Than 500,000 Children Nationwide Test Positive for COVID in Three Weeks Since Schools Reopened

But there is no mention of COVID in any of FRC's back to school prayers. 

The point is this - there is a huge problem in America with vaccine-denial and general misinformation about COVID and it is heavily in two groups - Republicans and evangelicals. As convenience would have it, these happen to be the two groups which comprise FRC's base of supporters. 

While I'm certainly not accusing FRC of sowing that mistrust, the point should be made that it doesn't look like the group is taking the lead position in eliminating it either. In fact, it's not farfetched to accuse the group of downright cowardice in the way it sidesteps mentioning COVID; particularly even when requesting prayers for our kids as they go back to school environments where they are likely in danger of contracting COVID.

If only FRC cared about protecting America's children from COVID with as much fervor as it falsely accuses President Biden or LGBTQ people of trying to harm them.

I guess it's a matter of priorities.