Monday, February 14, 2022

LGBTQ people are the ones in need of protection from the religious right

Editor's note - This has been on my mind for a while. I wish more would begin questioning the narrative of this so-called culture war.

When the religious right and their legislatives allies tried to ban gay marriage, they claimed they were trying to protect marriage.

When they try to ban transgender children from using a school restroom which matches their gender identities, they claim they are protecting women and girls from 'predators.'

When they try to pass laws making it legal for physicians to turn away LGBTQ potential patients, businesses to turn away LGBTQ potential customers, and foster care and adoption agencies to turn away LGBTQ potential clients (while still being able to access LGBTQ tax dollars), they claim they are protecting religious beliefs.

When they try to pass laws banning transgender girls and women from high school and collegiate sports (but not transgender boys and men), they claim they are protecting cis female athletes.

And now when they are trying to ban discussions of LGBTQ matters in school classrooms, preventing transgender children from receiving accurate healthcare, making it more difficult for closeted kids to confide in their teachers, and eliminating LGBTQ-oriented books from libraries, they claim they are protecting children.

How come every time the religious right and their legislative allies claim that they are protecting something, it is LGBTQ people who are the ones in need of protection from them?

Related webpage  - Free to Say Gay