Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Video: Survivor of Pulse nightclub mass shooting calls out DeSantis, 'grifters,' & right-wing extremists for 'pouring gasoline on anti-LGBTQ hysteria'

2022 was an ugly year for LGBTQ Americans

. From bogus legislation targeting trans men, women, and children. to  elected officials exploiting us as a stepping stones to higher office, to wannabe internet personalities passing distorted videos about drag queens to further the lie that we want to 'sexuall groom' kids, violence - physical, psychological, and spiritual - increased against LGBTQ people at a level which I have never seen before.

And punctuating it all was the mass shooting at Club Q in Colorado which left five people dead and over 20 others injured.

Earlier this month, Congress held hearings about the violence against LGBTQ people. Testifying was Michael Anderson, James Slaugh and Matthew Haynes, three survivors of the Club Q shooting. And the man in the video above, Brandon Wolf who survived the 2016 mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. Years from now, his testimony will be remembered as one of the greatest speeches of our time.