Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Congressman called out in embarrassing comparison of his remarks about drag shows versus school shootings

Those of us on my side are probably desensitized with how many times conservatives reveal themselves to be hypocrites. They do it so much that it's lost the shock value necessary to get people motivated. But the solution, as difficult as it sounds, is to not give in. Particularly in the case of the awful school shooting which took place in Nashville on Monday. Too many of these things have happened and we know the main reason why. It's the easy ability in this country for folks to get guns, even the guns which go way beyond self-protection. 

And no matter how many times school shootings happen, it doesn't seem that Congress is going to do anything about it. Their priorities are in the wrong place as this video of Tennessee Rep. Tim Burchett proves.  He's all for acting against drag shows, but when it comes to school shootings, his opinion changes on an embarrassing level.

Hat tip to Alejandra Caraballo