Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Video: One picnic sparks the South Carolina Pride Movement


Citizen Better on PBS decided to feature segment on the Harriet Hancock Community Center in Columbia, SC while we were having one of our monthly potlucks. It was a fun time which shows the wonderful simplicity of LGBTQ lives without any of that nonsense spewed by Libs of TikTok or Gays Against Groomers designed to feed off of fears and stereotypes about us.

 The video is also very informative about the founding of the South Carolina Pride Movement and the woman, Harriet Hancock, who helped to create it all. Harriet's son came out to her in the early 80s and she accepted him. Then she decided to take action not only for him but for all of the other LGBTQ South Carolinians. What she helped to create continues today and thrives very well in spite of the stereotypes one hears about the South and homophobia. 

 Harriet is interviewed during this video, and she will simply take your breath away. If anyone needs to hear a positive pick-me-up during this turbulent time with regards to our rights and safety, listen to Harriet.