Saturday, September 09, 2006

Dehumanizing semantics and the anti-gay industry

One of the points I make in my upcoming book are about the six propaganda techniques the anti-gay industry uses against the gay community.

One of these techniques is a bit more sinister than the others. In essence, the anti-gay industry seeks to strip gays and lesbians of their humanity in the eyes of the public. To them, it is not enough to declare that homosexuality is against God’s will. These groups manufacture illusions of cabals and invisible enemies; nameless and faceless gay legions out to “destroy” American values and morals.

To further this incorrect notion, members of the anti-gay industry often use sound bites that are repeated until they become part of the verbal lexicon. They skillfully employ phrases that covertly push the idea that gays are outside of the mainstream. This serves to dehumanize their opposition. The following phrases have been used over and over again to describe the actions of the gay community and those viewed as their supporters:

“promoting homosexuality”
“marketing homosexuality”
“endorsing homosexuality”
“teaching homosexuality”
“homosexual activists”
“radical gay agenda”
“activist judges”
“forcing their agenda on us”
“pro homosexual”
“sodomy advocates”
“sodomy lobby”
“sexual anarchists”
“special rights”
“homosexual behavior”
“legitimizing their lifestyle”
“deadly lifestyle”
“death style”
“counterfeit marriage”
“aggressive minority of sexual deviants”
“homosexual indoctrination”
“gay militants”
“they are after our children”
“homosexuals can’t reproduce so they have to recruit”
“normalizing homosexuality”
“marketing their lifestyle to children”
“forcing their lifestyle”
“indoctrinating children”
“unelected judges”
“destructive lifestyle”

The following passages in articles and press releases created by so-called "pro family groups demonstrate this point (the emphasis on the semantical words have been added by me):

“But unfortunately, the evangelist observes, many Christians have been bullied into submission on the aggressive homosexual agenda in public schools.” - Evangelist Composes to Combat Homosexual Agenda in Public Education, Agape Press, May 11, 2005

“Elsewhere in the battle against the homosexual agenda, the Broward County School Board in Florida has voted to allow a pro-homosexual group to indoctrinate its teachers on tolerance.” - Children Adopted by Homosexuals Suffer, Family Advocate Says, Agape Press, April 25, 2002

“The ACLU continues to use a law license to bully school districts and harass parents in order to brainwash their kids abut the ‘normalcy’ of homosexuality.” - Jan LaRue, ACLU Seeks Mandatory Homosexual Sensitivity Training, Concerned Women for America press release, July 14, 2005

Homosexual activists are now beginning to openly admit that they don’t want to marry just to have a normal home life. They want same-sex marriage as a way of destroying the concept of marriage altogether and of introducing polygamy and polamory (group sex) as ‘families’” - Do Homosexuals Really Want the Right to Marry?, The Traditional Values Coalition.

For the third time in recent years, voters in Maine will go to the voting book to stop the homosexual agenda being (from) being forced on them by activists and their own legislature - Maine Activist Condemns Elitist Lawmakers Pushing Homosexual Agenda, the American Family Association, July 15, 2005

“One pro-family advocate feels the ACLU, in its efforts to force the homosexual agenda in American schools, is using the bullying tactics of Chairman Mao to ‘reprogram’ staff and students on the issue of homosexuality.” - Knight: ACLU’s Pro-Homosexual ‘Bullying’ Tactics Reminiscent of Chairman Mao, Agape Press, July 21, 2005

Homosexual Activists’ War Against the Christianity: Church seen as Main Obstacle Hindering Wholesale Acceptance of Homosexual Agenda - a headline from Agape Press, February 21, 2006

(Kevin) Hoeft says he will be monitoring how the school board responds when the local Gay Straight Alliances take part in the National Day of Silence, an event designed to increase the acceptance of homosexual sex among young people.” - Board ignores parents and their concerns over Campus GSA clubs, Agape Press, March 16, 2006

Pro-Homosexual Push Commonplace in Schools Coast to Coast, Homosexual Activists Transforming Public Schools into Propaganda Factories, Agape Press, July 24, 2006

This reminds me of a character in George Orwell's novel Animal Farm. The character, Squealer, used language in order to deceive others about the crimes of the ruling class.

We seem to have a lot of Squealers nowadays, but obviously they are clutching crosses.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    so glad you are writing this, especially from Columbia SC - hope it makes the kind of impact it should!
