Friday, October 27, 2006

Gays hate God? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight!

World Net Daily columnist Kevin McCullough has an interesting theory about gays and marriage equality.

Apparently we gays hate God.

In a recent column(, he draws an incredibly interesting (albeit irrational and sex driven) theory about why we gays are pushing for marriage equality:

"No longer satisfied with practicing the unspeakable perverse sexual pleasures that their hearts seek in private bedrooms, they wish to be able to do so in public. They are also suffering from such immense guilt over their sexual behaviors, because they know inherently that the actions they perform are in fact unhealthy, that they will go to any means necessary to try and shut down the voices in their heads that tell them it is wrong.

They wrongfully believe that the guilty voice within them is an echo of a prudish state that seeks to limit their freedoms. They wrongfully believe that the judgment they feel is emanating from "Bible thumpers." And what they fail to admit is that the voice that condemns them the loudest is never a human voice – but in fact the voice of their own conscience informed by the truth of the God who created them."

And basically Kevin wraps it up by saying:

"Radical homosexual activists hate marriage because fundamentally they hate God, and the guilt of both drives them to extremes."

World Net Daily isn't exactly a gay positive publication (and that is the understatement of the decade for those of us who have seen it) and Mr. McCullough is not exactly a gay positive individual. On occasion, he has said some unsubstantiated things about the gay community. And he has never backed any of it up with proof:

"The "alphas" in homosexual relationships, be they men or women, are many times recruiting younger partners. A vast percentage of those who enter the homosexual life do so after having been sexually initiated by an older person of their sex – be it consensual or not – it usually has the feel of enticement or seduction." - The ‘Gay’ Truth, May 30, 2003

Also, his activities attacking the gay community go further. In an earlier post, I made reference to a situation regarding David Parker's war with his son's elementary school in Massachusetts.

Parker created a media event last year because he was upset that his son brought home a b0ok showing a same-sex couple. Parker escalated the situation until he was arrested. A year later, Parker's son was involved in a fight at school with a friend over a cafeteria seat. School officials were quick to stop the situation and notified the Parkers and the parents of the other child.

But almost a month later, a press release was sent out claiming that Parker's son was attacked by a gang of students because of his father's fight against the school.

McCullough was one of the initial spreaders of this story (

Now the school was quick to refute the claim about the fight involving Parker's son (

But no one, McCullough included, who claimed that Parker's son was attacked because of his father's anti-gay stance apologized or addressed the lie they told.

That is the caliber of "Christian" McCullough is.

I am sorry if I sound mean but McCullough's claim about gays hating God disturbs me. It makes me angry because it was God who led me to know that I am perfect in His sight as a gay man. If it had not been for Him leading me and guiding me through my coming out process, I would not be here today.

McCullough's nasty claim is an anathema to me. His arrogance reminds me of a childhood friend who, when I got the best of him in sports, would tell me that his loss didn't matter because he was a Christian and was going to heaven while I was going to hell.

Mr. McCullough, some of us in the gay community may distance ourselves from religion because of people like you attempting to bogart the throne of God like you are a bouncer at some celestial nightclub, but we never distance ourselves from God nor his love of us.

Despite attempts to legislate our lives, you will never legislate our faith. God loves us for the gay, lesbians, bisexual, or transgender creations that we are.

And we love God.

Links to spiritual gay groups:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Well that’s a nifty little bit of projection.

    Try it now:

    “No longer satisfied with practicing the unspeakable perverse supremacist pleasures that their hearts seek in private, they wish to be able to do so in public. They are also suffering from such immense guilt over their supremacist behaviors, because they know inherently that the actions they perform are in fact hateful , that they will go to any means necessary to try and shut down the voices in their heads that tell them it is wrong.

    They wrongfully believe that the guilty voice within them is an echo of a homosexual agenda that seeks to limit their freedoms. They wrongfully believe that the judgment they feel is emanating from “homosexual activists.” And what they fail to admit is that the voice that condemns them the loudest is never a human voice – but in fact the voice of their own conscience informed by the truth of the God who created them.”

    And basically Emproph wraps it up by saying:

    “Radical supremacist activists hate equality because fundamentally they hate God, and the guilt of both drives them to extremes.”
