Monday, October 16, 2006

Scalia's ignorance

In less than a month, my blog has over 1,000 hits. Now I am not completely computer literate but I think that is damned good.

It shows that you all are interested in what I have to say and for that I thank you. Now I hope you buy my book. :D

But onto today's news

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia continues to bitch about the Lawrence vs. Texas decision. In a debate with ACLU head Nadine Strossen, he said that homosexual sodomy is not in the Constitution(

No kidding.

Scalia, who dissented with the majority of the court in that decision, still continues to harp about it in terms of gay sex. Don't get me wrong, I think Scalia is a brilliant man. He has to be if he is on the Supreme Court. So why does he continue to break the Lawrence vs. Texas case down to incorrect simplicity?

Lawrence vs. Texas (and by the way, the case is covered in my upcoming book as to how the anti-gay industry creates moral panics) was not about sodomy. The case asked the question can the United States government create laws that discriminate against a group of people simply based on the "morality of the majority."

Remember, Texas's sodomy law prosecuted gays, not heterosexuals.

The court obviously said no, which it should have. People should not be discriminated against simply because of the "morality of the majority."

Of course "the right to homosexual sodomy" is not written in the Constitution. But the right to be judged equally is.

The real question is that how can someone as intelligent as Scalia be so unintelligent about something so simple?

It just goes to show that even intelligence can fall victim to bias.

"Liberty Sunday"

Well "Liberty Sunday" took place and it was as nauseating as I thought it would be. In the coming days, I intend to break down several lies and distortions that Perkins, Dobson, Wildmon and company committed yesterday.

But bear with me if I don't do it tonight. Even I need a break from the trash pits.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the support. I'm working on it and when it happens, u will be the first person I call :D
