Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My guilty pleasure

I can't begin to tell you how tiring this process of completing my book is. The thing that makes it bad a lot of the times is having to go on sites like Concerned Women for America or Americans for Truth and read all of the lies put out about us.

But I have learned to embrace something that makes things easier.

As a child of the South, one of my guilty pleasures is pro wrestling. Yeah I know it's fake but the love of that sport entertainment has been instilled in me since I was a little boy.

I have a huge collection of wrestling tapes from the older days, when the men were ugly and the women didn't know what silicon meant, and I watch them constantly. I make it a point to watch them specifically when I have to go trolling on one of those anti-gay sites.

And no, I don't have dreams of body slamming Peter LaBarbera or dropkicking Lou Sheldon; although I did meet Robert Knight (Concerned Women for America) once and seeing that I was taller than him, a Little Rascal short subject in which Spanky wished for a bully to be his height so that he could jump him came to mind.

But I digress.

I grew up watching pro wrestling and not only that, I can remember family outings in which we all went downtown and rooted for our favorite wrestlers and shouted at the ones we hated.

I liked those times best of all and maybe that's why I can work better on my book whenI have a wrestling tape in the VCR. It reminds me of the things I am fighting for; the true belief that being a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender does not mean you have to surrender your dreams of comfort, love, or decency.

That realizing your orientation has no bearing on your ability to have a family. And finally you do not have to reduce your basic human needs to that of carnal desires.

The anti-gay industry tells us that we are devoid of love other than that of a physical sense.

That's a lie. And not buying into that lie will be the thing that will ultimately save us.

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