Thursday, November 02, 2006

Using a tragedy in a Machiavellian sense

First of all, I apologize for not posting for the past two days.

As I have said before in a past post, South Carolina has been embroiled in a serious fight concerning one of those bothersome "we need to protect marriage" amendments. Subsequently, much of my time has been devoted to getting the word out.

Despite the fact that no one has given my community any chance of beating the amendment back, we have made excellent ground. Gays in South Carolina are more organized and more aligned togther than any other time ever in the history of this state.

But then I also believe in miracles and upsets and I have my fingers crossed.

On a more serious note, a recent trial has demonstrated how the anti-gay industry will continue to manipulate public events in order to demonize the gay community.

The trial involves a 22-year-old man who raped and brutally murdered an older woman, Mary Stachowicz.

Here is the part that tweaks the ears of Peter LaBarbera and other so-called "pro family" experts: The man is claiming he did it because the woman made fun of him for being gay and tried to "change" his orientation.

Now this is a defense allegation and it is purely sketchy. It is also worth mentioning that Ms. Stachowicz was robbed.

But the interesting thing about the entire trial is how the anti-gay industry reports it as compared to the legitimate news media:

Prosecutor Says (Homosexual) 'Monster' Nicholas Gutierrez also Raped Chicago Catholic Mother, Mary Stachowicz, as Trial Begins - (

Woman's death at hands of 'gay' her fault, says lawyer
Trial begins over death of Christian who questioned homosexual lifestyle choice
- (

Man Raped and Murdered Woman because she Vocally Opposed Gay Lifestyle says Defense Lawyer - (

Now a look at a legitimate newspaper does include the detail that the defense is using a "she wouldn't leave him alone because he was gay" defense but one added this:

Raymond Scacchitti, 42, testified in the trial of Nicholas Gutierrez, 23, charged in the Nov. 13, 2002, slaying of Mary Stachowicz, 51.The two men, who also worked at the F.J. Sikorski Funeral Home, lived in an apartment above the business where Stachowicz's body was found in a crawl space. Scacchitti said Stachowicz knew he and Gutierrez were gay and never questioned them about their lifestyle." - (,1,4088569,print.story?coll=chi-newslocalchicago-hed)

This is just an allegation from a witness in the trial but I noticed how none of the so-called "pro family" sites included the above detail.

Now no one really knows why Ms. Stachowicz was murdered and frankly, I personally don't care. It should not have happened. My heart and prayers go out to her and her family.

But I cannot stand to see how the anti-gay industry is exploiting her death. They are comparing her case to that of Matthew Shepard in an attempt to prove a bias against Christians:

"Mary Stachowicz will never be remembered the way Matthew Shepard is, thus showing how politically corrupt the whole concept of hate crime legislation really is." - Catholic League President William Donohue

Mr. Donohue and the rest have already attempted to attack the gay community for the crime. I noticed how in many of their articles and press releases, the charge of "media bias" and "no comments from pro-gay groups" are tossed around.

Apparently they can't wait until the trial is over to manipulate the facts.


  1. well at least you used original text of the Bible rather than "modern" text.

    you and i are of different opinions about this sort of thing.

    i do have a comment about your question:

    Do you think homosexual Nicholas Gutierrez’s murder of a pious, 51- year-old Catholic mother of four, Mary Stachowicz was because of liberals trying to make us believe being a sex perverted sodomite is ok?

    Nicholas Guiterrez's murder of that poor woman is no one's fault but Nicholas's. Using catch phrases like "liberals" and perverted sodomite" only takes away from this fact and reveals a bias on your part.

    Please don't go on a tangent about how you don't hate gay people when you took it upon yourself to emphasize Nicholas's alleged sexual orientation more than the crime he committed.

    what does the Bible say about bearing false witness?

  2. Anonymous9:20 PM

    You have to wonder why people like 'rev.' Don Spitz goes on and on about some verses from the Bible, but skips many others. If you are going to make other people live according to its precepts, then they have to live according to ALL its precepts first.

    Like Lev. 18:19--You shall not approach a woman to uncover her nakedness while she is in her menstrual uncleanness.

    I don't see people like Spitz out campaigning against straight people having sex during this time of the menstrual cycle.

    Or how about:
    Lev. 19:119--You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seeds; nor shall you put on a garment made of two different materials.
    Please 'rev.' Spitz--will you make an amendment to change the constitution to prevent the mix of cotton and polyester or keep farmers from growing wheat and corn in the same field? God commands this, so you should get to work.

    Or Lev. 19:33 "When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the shall love the alien as your self, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt.

    Please 'rev.' Spitz--make an amendment to change the constitution to protect aliens in this great land of ours from those nasty republicans who want to build a fence between here and Mexico and who want to ship back aliens from whence they came.

    Or why don't you make an amendment to prevent divorce, since your God himself stated that He hates divorce, and Christ would not allow it.
    Please--if you want people to take your views seriously, then please do us all a favor and live up to ALL the laws in your Bible before you start trying to make the rest of us live up to it. Until then, you cannot change God's word on the sowing of crops, or divorce, or sex during certain times of the menstrual cycle.

    Dr. Kevin Kaatz
