Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ignore and repeat, ignore and repeat

The Fox News Channel is in trouble dealing with a pro-Republican bias.

By now, you are rolling your eyes and saying "so what else is new" just as I did when I first read about the situation.

On several different programs, the channel repeated a discredited story about Senator Barrack Obama's schooling. According to Fox, Obama was trained in the art of anti-Americanism when he was a six-year old child.

Okay that is too severe but it's not off the mark as to what Fox News's inferences are about Senator Obama. Apparently "swiftboating" (I know its a jaded word but I couldn't resist) is something that can be to do someone besides John Kerry.

What makes this story relevant to me is that when it was discovered that the story about Senator Obama was not true, some pundits on Fox News continued to repeat it as truth.

Kind of reminds me of the anti-gay industry.

There is a constant drumbeat with the ant-gay industry about us. According to them, the gay and lesbian identity is indigenous with disease, irresponsible behavior, and general sadness. On almost every so-called "pro-family" web page, one will find this lie.

That is the thing we have to combat. Our identities as gay and lesbian people is not related to how we have sex but who we love.

But we have been dancing around this issue too much. The anti-gay industry has been lying about us from day one and we need to bring attention to this fact. As long as we focus on "winning hearts and minds" and ignore people like Pete LaBarbera, Lou Sheldon, and Matt Barber when they go for the jugular. we deserve to be "swiftboated."

When the lies about Senator Obama's schooling began, his people jumped on them before they had a chance to develop.

We should start taking that hint.

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