Sunday, February 25, 2007

Just want to point something else out about the Parker case

I have been online looking through the blogs and many of them are reporting the David Parker case verbatim via World Net Daily with the headline:

Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian students

World Net Daily is not exactly a pro-gay, objective, or fair online newspaper.

It is things like this that make it so difficult to fight the lies of the anti-gay industry. They have so many people either wrapped up in their own egos as "true Christians" or scared because of their claims of a "gay conspiracy" that these folks are becoming like zombies; repeating all of their lies verbatim and without the courtesy of dissent.

The worst thing is that so many of these blogs are by people who consider themselves as Christian, even quoting the Bible.

I guess to some, the ends justify the means even in the Body of Christ.

It is so sad.


  1. Anonymous1:16 AM

    the larger underlying case is the parents rights issues i think. why are government schools the place for you child to learn about 'alternative' lifestyles....especially elementary school ages?

    i guess the Board of Education there are allowed to disreguard the law requiring prior notification too.

  2. I can understand where you are coming from.

    But the child was not being "taught" by the teacher. David Parker objected to his child hearing about same-sex households, even from other students in conversation. The school tried to accommodate him but told him it oouldn't control what students said to each other. And also, talk of different households is not the same as talk about human sexuality. So the prior notification rule was not relevant here.
