Saturday, February 10, 2007

Oh Give Me A Break Peter and George! Stop Picking on Pam!

Apparently Peter LaBarbera and the so-called Americans for Truth About Homosexuality never met a situation they didn't try to milk for all it's worth.

This week, there was an unfortunate situation on Pam Spaulding's web page in which a commentator threatened Peter LaBarbera. Pam was alerted about it and took the post down. She also made it clear that posts like that are way over the line and should not be allowed. She was not aware of the post until it was brought to her attention, by the way.

You think the situation would be over? Come on! You know how Peter is. Today he is continuing to talk about it, even linking to another blog by someone by the name of George Archibald. Archibald says this about Pam:

She has a right to be an announced practising lesbian, but she does not have a right to be hateful against Christians and heterosexuals, which is evident throughout her Web site.
She links to Kevin Jennings, founder of the Gay Lesbian Straight Educators Network (GLSEN) that pushes for acceptance of homosexuality in elementary, middle and high schools across our country.

Then on her Web site, Pamela Spaulding has a link called AmTALIBAN – meaning American Taliban – where she attacks by name 20 leaders of American Christian groups and makes spiteful, sexist, and hateful statements about their religious and cultural beliefs.

Now Archibald gets hypocritical because of what he says later in his blog:

Well, you get the tone of the crazies in this homosexual attack against heterosexuals and leaders of conservative Christian groups.

People like Pamela Spaulding, Kevin Jennings, and other homosexual activists want condoms given to everyone as part of their effort to promote gay sex. But maybe they all need diapers, as they obviously are intolerant and wetting themselves a lot over the fact that Americans mostly are actually a heterosexual religious culture that firmly rejects intolerance and promiscuity.

So calling Pam Spaulding a "crazie" isn't attacking her? Hardly.

That seems to be the new game the anti-gay industry is playing: whining that their "beliefs" are being attacked when they are called on their lies and hypocrisies. Catholic League for Religous and Civil Rights President William Donohue this week caused many problems with Sen. John Edwards using that same tactic. I still wait for his apology for his Anti-Semitic comments.

And the Family Research Council is getting in the act. This group is led by the same man, Tony Perkins, who thought it was okay to associate with the racist Ku Klux Klan and Council of Conservative Citizens.

I always wondered why there were no images of black people on the FRC site. Maybe now I know.

Now I am not one for making attacks. I like to use logic to make my case, and then go for the jugular. But in all honesty, I refuse to feel sorry for Peter LaBarbera or any of these "phony Christians (that's right, I said it). A man who has a web page that has a link called "Victims of Homosexual Murderers" does not get my sympathy.

I find it ironic that people who make it their life's work to use junk science and propaganda about gay people are now whining because they aren't getting a free pass for their nonsense.

Peter really should have not been threatened, but if you create a storm and then get caught in it, who should you blame other than yourself?

The anti-gay industry seems to want to play the victim now. I don't think so. I might remind them of just how ugly they were when President Bush won re-election in 2004. Their cocky bragging about how they "won the election" was disgusting. And as equally disgusting was the ways in which they attempted to move against the gay community, from plotting new ways to take away our rights to Paul Cameron thinking that it was okay to announce new lies about our life span and so-called propensity for dangerous behavior.

Don't even think about it, boys. You started this. And the vast majority of us who are trying to tell the truth about the lgbt community and how you have demonized us are not stooping to threats to get our point across.

We are the ones who you should be concerned about. Of course it really doesn't matter because we aren't going to stop until everyone knows how you lie.

Deal with that!


  1. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Yeah, deal with that! We're going to keep NOT lying about you people.

    Peter's got it in for Pam, but I found his excoriation of her surprisingly tame, at least the version of it that I read. I'm surprised that he included that part that she wasn't aware of the posts. How..."truthful" of him.

    That seems to be the new game the anti-gay industry is playing: whining that their "beliefs" are being attacked when they are called on their lies and hypocrisies.

    New? Where have you been? lol.

    I’d say it’s part of their “grassroots” takeover. The psychological defense mechanisms of their masses are finally trickling up.

    these "phony Christians (that's right, I said it).

    How dare you insult phony Christians? Personally I prefer the term "unrepentant idolater." Whatever “god” they worship, it ain’t Love.

  2. Anonymous5:19 PM

    It is hard to believe that Peter LaBarbera is screaming like a little girl about his address being posted, when in fact he is the one who gave his address and that information is totally available to the public. Well, at least it was until he changed it to a P.O. box the other day. To be a non-profit, you have to give some details and for some reason, LaBarbera gave an address which turned out to be his house. Does he mention this in all his complaining? No. He also made no comment when he changed his address at, but he also never changed his NTEE code from being a gay and lesbian rights organization.

    Hopefully that will change soon since I just mailed in over 20 pages of material to the IRS pointing out that he is doing political lobbying and political campaigning with his non-profit. It will be up to the IRS to determine if this is illegal. I also mentioned that his non-profit is not a gay and lesbian organization, and asked if they can look into how this came about.
