Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A Freudian slip every now and then is a good thing.

It's still copy editing central at my house. I'm half way through and it looks good. Other than a few grammatical errors, my book is not going through any drastic changes.

As I said yesterday, I am also preparing press packets to email and send out. The packets are comprised of a press release, a one-page self-interview and a four page excerpt of my book. I am also preparing a list of who I will send the packets to.

If you are interested in receiving a packet or know of someone or news entity who you think should get a packet, please email me at CharleKenghis@aol.com

Now . . .

I still have been patroling for the latest scuttlebutt from members of the anti-gay industry. Pickings are very slim, even with our friend Peter. By the way, that video of the 2006 Pride Parade that Peter linked from the American Family Association site is rather good.

And don't worry, there is nothing obscene in it. It makes me wonder if Peter and crew is getting desperate.

That thought continues to echo through my mind when I picked up the following from his site:

At Americans For Truth, we are in an ongoing and very politicially incorrect battle to restore the definition of homosexuality: homosexuality is behavior — changeable behavior, not an innate, unchangeable trait or identity.

Homosexuality is what you do,not “who you are,”as proved by the many ex-”gays” and ex-”lesbians”now living joyful lives, whether celibate or in heterosexual marriage.

Okay, let's forget that nonsense about those "many" ex-gays. To paraphrase Wayne Besen, if there is so many of them, maybe they should march on Washington.

I will wait for it.

Whether he realizes it or not, Peter is telling a degree of truth, although I don't think he meant to.

His claim about homosexuality is not true. Peter, as far as I know, is not nor has he ever been gay. That being the case, what he knows about the lgbt community couldn't fit into the navel of a fetus.

But please notice the meaning behind his screed.

This so-called cultural battle that Peter and other members of the anti-gay industry fight was never about protecting Christians. It's not enough for Peter, James Dobson, Beverly LaHaye, and the rest to have a personal belief that homosexuality is a sin. They want everyone else to believe it also and they want the laws of this country to reflect their beliefs.

The entire plan of the anti-gay industry has been undermining and eliminating any positive reinforcement of the lgbt orientation. By doing this, they want to ensure that the options left for the lgbt community are ones that existed before we learned how to fight:

One option is to get married, live your life according to a lie, and reduce your orientation to clandestine sexual encounters in places like public bathrooms.

Another option is to be a real life representation of the play Boys in the Band; become open and unhappy until you connect being gay with being bitter, lonely, and hateful - a spiritual death debatably worse than any life taking blow from a gay basher.

No matter how they claim otherwise, the anti-gay industry wants to dictate not only our lives but the defintion of our orientation to us. And they want us to shut up, sit down, and take in what they say as if they are some type of authority.

They don't have authority. What they do have is a feeling of entitlement. It is that same feeling of entitlement that led James Dobson to attack researchers for daring to criticize him just because he miscontrued their work.

It is that same feeling of entitlement that continues to lead Peter LaBarbera into constantly trying to stigmatize our community.

It is the feeling of entitlement that allows Paul Cameron to justify his bad research techniques.

And it is the same feeling of entitlement that leads the entire anti-gay industry to say and do anything, no matter how unethical or hypocritical to their Christian principles, to ensure their way of life is enforced.

And the sad thing about the entire situation is that they actually think they are doing God's will.

Sometimes I laugh at the depths of the anti-gay industry's ignorance. And I want to help in any way I can in exposing how they have distorted our lives.

But there are times when I can't help but to feel sorry for them.

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