Friday, March 23, 2007

New anti-gay "headless monster"
Manure with icing covering it

Early Gay Death Syndrome.

Don't laugh because my guess is that the we will have to deal with this term sooner or later.

In other words, Paul Cameron is back:

According to two researchers, the largest random sex survey ever conducted has reported that only 1.4% of adults engaged in homosexual behavior. Analyzing a 2003 Canadian Community survey of 121,300 adults, Drs. Paul and Kirk Cameron told attendees of the Eastern Psychological Association Convention that 2% of 18-44 year olds, 1% of 50 year olds, and only a third of a percent of subjects 60+ considered themselves homosexual. Thus homosexual activity was much more common among younger adults.

What happened to the older homosexuals? "Some may have ceased to be sexually active," said Paul Cameron, "or they may have died. Recent reports from Scandinavia indicate that the life expectancy of homosexuals is 20+ years shorter than that of heterosexuals."

Now for those who are not in the know, Paul Cameron has a great degree of relevance in how Focus on the Family, Concerned Women for America, the Family Research Council, and the rest of the anti-gay industry lies about our lives.

It was Cameron who either popularized or created the myths that:

Gay men molest children at a high rate,

Gay men are sexually irresponsible individuals with a short life span,

LGBTs on the whole are hygenically disgusting people with a "devil may care" attitude about their lives.

Cameron created a series of studies that supposedly proved these theories. However, he also used bad tactics, including distorting the work of his colleagues.

For these offenses, Cameron has been censured by many research groups, including getting kicked out of the American Psychological Association. He claimed that he resigned from this group before being dismissed but this is not true. At the time he supposedly resigned, Cameron was under investigation for his tactics. APA rule specify that members under investigation cannot resign.

In my upcoming book, I devote an entire chapter to him, his lies, and how the anti-gay industry have used his studies or methodologies to demonize the lgbt community.

I also point out how when the anti-gay industry is not citing Cameron by name, they attempt to quantify his lies with distortions of their own.

With Cameron's new announcement, it sounds as if he is trying to push up his "gays have a short life span" lie yet again. The truth of how Cameron is trying to recycle this claim is better explained by the site queersighted:

The research, by the way, was based on a sex survey of one Canadian community of slightly over 120,000 adults.

The survey revealed that there were more practicing homosexuals among younger people than among older people. Combined with other research, Cameron concluded that this is because homosexuals die young.

The best part of this story is that Cameron put out a press release that suggests that he presented his latest research during yesterday's sessions of the annual Eastern Psychological Association Convention in Philadelphia.

According to his press release, "Drs. Paul and Kirk Cameron told attendees of the Eastern Psychological Association Convention..."

In fact, he did not present and was not on the agenda at this meeting. The fact is that he roamed the public corridors of the convention venue and "told" doctors about his research. Cameron was neither a registered speaker nor a member of the convention faculty.

Nonetheless he will present this research to lawmakers and judges as data that was "presented" at this legitimate convention . . .

This retread by Cameron is receiving much play at Free Republic and I am sure that the folks there know of his history. I have gone through past postings in which a member of the site diligently posts Cameron's studies as if they are true. When the person was challenged on the veracity of the studies, he or she (I don't know if it was a male or female) voiced very vehemently that there was a conspiracy to silence Cameron.

On the contrary, I am hoping that the anti-gay industry pushes Cameron's new claim loudly. That way, those of us who know how they lie would have more ammunition for our claims that the anti-gay industry are more interested in distortions than morality.

There have been a few minor sites that have already posted Cameron's press release.

I am presently looking to see if other anti-gay industry sites are doing the same. Whatever I find will be posted here.

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