Friday, April 13, 2007

The religious right uses Paul Cameron's work? No kidding!

I got my second batch of corrections today! I get to look at it one more time before sending it in. Slowly but surely, my book is becoming a reality.

But on the national scene:

It seems that our pal Paul Cameron's past is finally catching up with him.

From Pam Spaulding comes this item:

John Aravosis over at Americablog has an excellent post documenting some of our favorite organizations' alliance and support of junk scientist Paul Cameron.

The American Family Association, Family Research Council, Traditional Values Coalition and Concerned Women for America have been proponents of Cameron's work because it "validates" their anti-gay agenda. The tactic is simple -- cite the false and misleading "science" often enough, both in print and on the air, and if they make it sound credible, no one will question it. The Southern Poverty Law Center has named Cameron's Colorado Springs-based Family Research Institute as an active hate group.

Pam and John are two excellent bloggers, probably considered two of the top progressive bloggers in the country. Therefore, the fact that they are mentioning Cameron is, to me, a big deal.

It indicates that there seems to be a small groundswell concentrated on Cameron's data.

What the hell took everyone so long?

I'm sorry but I don't go for this patting each other on the back for the ability to nail Cameron on his lies. There should be no congratulations for a group of people who are finally getting down to doing what they should have been accomplishing in the first place.

Furthermore, I got news for everyone before they lose themselves in euphoria over exposing Cameron.

You all are only half done.

Cameron's data just barely scratches the surface when it comes to anti-gay industry lies. When they don't cite Cameron, they either copy his bad methodology or distort legitimate studies to quantify his theories.

So let's not celebrate right away. The war isn't over yet.


  1. Anonymous9:09 PM

    yeah, it's sort of nice they're picking up on something we've been blogging about for almost a month now.

  2. that is so true! i didn't want to sound like im a credit hog but i am glad you mentioned that.
