Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Stopping a lie before it starts

The anti-gay industry is extremely intent on disrupting the upcoming National Day of Silence, even to the point of making up stuff. Case in point:

Graphic Youth Flier Guides “Queer” “Boyz” on How to Engage in Homosexual Sodomies
TAKE ACTION: Find out if your child’s middle or high school is participating in or endorsing the homosexual “Day of Silence” Wed., April 18th and remove him or her from school that day to protest the promotion of unhealthy and immoral lifestyles to our young people. For more information on HOW to find out about the Day of Silence in your kids’ school, go to www.NotOurKids.com.

By Peter LaBarbera

WARNING: Graphic, pornographic-like descriptions of homosexual perversions are contained in this flier for “boyz”– so why was it being distributed to young men? Why are homosexually-tempted teenagers being told that they are “superstars” and that “being queer is a gift”? And why are they being coached on how to “safely” perform sodomitic sex acts like anal sex, homosexual oral sex and even “rimming” — (licking their “partner’s” anus) – yet they are NOT told how deadly these immoral homosexual behaviors can be?
It’s time for everyday Americans to face the reality of homosexual perversions being promoted by “gay” activist adults to impressionable children. If you want to know why Americans For Truth so strongly oppose pro-homosexual youth/school campaigns like the “Day of Silence” (Wed., April 18th), study this ”100% Hate Free” flier — created by Chicago’s leading “gay health” organization and passed out to teen boys at a homosexual street fair. Like me, you will probably get angry when you read it, but better to be angry and informed than naive and uninformed about the evils being promoted to young people in the name of “gay pride.”

Again with the rimming, Peter?

Seriously though, be forewarned that the alleged flyer/pamphlet has nothing to do with the National Day of Silence. Our friends at Americans for Truth (in name only) claims that the pamphlet was given out to young boys during a street fair. The group conveniently did not mention when this took place.

The pamphlet actually came from Howard Brown, a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) health care organization leading the region in addressing the comprehensive health care needs of people in the LGBT community.

As far as it is known, there are NO plans to distribute the pamphlet throughout high schools during the National Day of Silence.

Those who are inferring that this is the case need to check themselves.

Since when is it right to lie and deceive in the name of God?

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