Thursday, May 03, 2007

My flyers - a work in progress
While posting on the hate crimes legislation vote, I have also been working very hard to complete the editing of my book.
And I have been working on advertising flyers.
The flyer to the left is the first of four. It is a work in progress that you can click on to see a larger version of. Tell me what you think.
Also, don't leave without reading my take on today's hate crimes legislation vote if you haven't already.


  1. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Hey! I like them. I think it might be better to give names for the quotes on the first one as you did for the second...

  2. That is an excellent idea. At first I was thinking that names on the first flyer wasn't necessary (since they are attributed in the book) but then again, someone might try to accuse me of lying.

    I will add names to the flyer.
