Monday, July 16, 2007

Repercussions and broken records

When I talked about the situation involving Peter LaBarbera's exploitation of Russell Groff's death, I left out an important detail.

His partner, Kevin Olive, fighting Groff's parents over burial arrangements and being the executor of Mr. Groffs' will.

The fight is hard on him financially but he is determined to see it through. If anyone wishes to donate, they can do so sending contributions to:

Kevin Olive Defense Fund
c/o Homewood Friends Meeting
3107 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218

I am glad that the other blogs who reported the incident included this information. Speaking of which, many of them having been giving their opinions of this situation.

One of the best postings comes from Good As You.

I am hopeful that something positive will come out of this situation. However, I can't help but continue to feel angry. I am sure that LaBarbera is probably giddy over the trouble he caused. And the worse thing about it is that he probably doesn't think he did anything wrong.

Meanwhile black minister Harry Jackson has written yet another diatribe against adding lgbts to hate crimes legislation:

Labeling politically incorrect views as “hate” will have a chilling effect on the free speech and religious liberty of our churches and of our members. . . Such laws will ultimately establish, as a matter of legal principle, that any opposition to homosexual or other unbiblical behavior is inherently a form of “hate,” a direct threat to every American citizen’s freedom of conscience.
This legislation is constitutionally suspect, unnecessary, unfair, and ultimately un-American. We are African Americans, though we represent thousands of Christian leaders of all races. We understand more clearly than most the dangers of racially motivated violence.

It is sad how Jackson continues to exploit his racial heritage to tell lies. It has been pointed out repeatedly to him and others that adding lgbts to hate crimes legislation will not lead to pastors being jailed for preaching against homosexuality. Hate crimes legislation deals with violent action, not thought.

Amazingly, throughout all of Jackson's rantings, he has never repudiated the hate crimes legislation in place that deals with race. Seems to me that there should be some degree of consistency.

If Jackson opposes hate crimes legislation for lgbts then why doesn't he oppose it for African-Americans?

As far as I know, Jackson has never said what he feels about this contradiction.

And you know what I think?

I think that he is aware of it, but as long as no one talks about it, he won't bring it up.

Nice, deceptive, but not very Christian.


  1. Anonymous6:31 PM

    i lost count on the number of articles jackson has written denouncing the hate crimes bill.

    worse has to be an editor who doesn't do his job and lets someone submit the same article every week.

  2. Well his articles do run on the conservative Town Hall site.

    That's the same site that runs the drivel by Kevin McCullough and Dennis Prager's attack on Congressman Keith Ellison.

    So I am not surprised the editors there let Jackson run the same lying nonsense week after week.
