Thursday, September 06, 2007

Lawd I got them ENDA blues!!!!

I had a small problem today with my book designation.

Someone pointed out that my publisher had my book designated as juvenile fiction.

When I called to correct the error, my publishing representative instantly knew who I was. This means one of two things.

Either my book is selling excellently or I call her too much.

I have my fingers crossed but it will be a while before I find out the answer to that question. My book sales statement won't come out for a while.

Meanwhile . . .

On Capital Hill, Congress is in the middle of hearings on whether or not to pass the Employee Non-discrimination Act (ENDA).

It looks good for us. Of course this means that we can expect to see the anti-gay industry spinning lies of how ENDA will allow 330-pound linebackers dressed in drag with "five o’clock shadow" to demand jobs at churches.

Or how wildly dressed "she-males" (their words, not mine) will demand jobs at a daycare centers.

I thought I had heard it all, but the following wins the prize for vulgar originality. In Oregon, local anti-gay industry figures are working to overturn the nondiscrimination laws there. According to them, the laws will lead to the following:

Your daughter may pull her panties up to discover a man in the Women's Restroom!

Men's and Women's Restrooms, a thing of the past?

After January 1, 2008 anyone will have access to Men's and Women's Restrooms, no questions asked. Your daughter may pull her panties up to discover a man in the Women's Restroom. He can claim that he felt like a woman that day and be protected by a law passed by the Oregon legislature and signed by the Governor. He may not be homosexual, just out trolling for a good time. It's true! And after January 1, unless you sign the petition to stop this bill, the predator will be protected by Oregon law! …

On January 1, 2008 - unless we ACT - Benson, and others will be free to do the same thing in any public or business restroom or locker room in the State of Oregon! He can claim that he felt like a woman that day and according to Senate Bill 2 he will be protected should you protest!

Thanks to our enlightened legislature, if you protest, he can sue YOU and claim the protections of his behavior under SB 2. He may not be homosexual, just out trolling for a good time! And you and your daughter or son, or your wife, will no longer be protected by current law.

These appeals to fear is an anti-gay industry tactic I talk about in my book: dire consequences,which, for lack of a better definition, is an appeal to fear.

Appealing to fear and lying in the name of God.

Is it just me or is there something wrong with this picture?

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