Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween gets even more strange - Guess who is reading my book

I was checking the progress of my book via and discovered something both interesting and disturbing.

It seems that some of the same folks who bought my book could be purchasing books from such luminaries as

(wait for it)

Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Robert Novak, Dinesh D'Souza, and Ronald Reagan.

Not exactly pro-gay and not exactly progressive.

So on one hand, it is good that folks who view themselves as the opposition are paying attention to my book. But on the other, the community I wrote the book for seems to not have taken to it.

So come on folks and support me! You can pretend I'm Lance Bass.

Seriously though, I guess it's time for phase three - book tours.

That means I will probably need to get a haircut, join a gym, and buy new clothes.

Nah, too much work. I'll just get a face lift.

One more thing - if you have seen my book and liked what you read (or didn't like what you read), feel free to tell others how you feel via a review on or other places.

Geez I sound like such a tool.

Oh well, it could be worse. I could be reduced to appearing on morning talk shows wearing an 8 p.m. cocktail dress.

Although that's not a bad idea. I do have nice legs.

Look out Matt Lauer!


  1. Anonymous9:00 PM

    If you do, make sure you shave your legs.

  2. hey some men like hairy legs. its that whole androgyny thing lol

  3. I say do a late-night commercial like "Mr. Plow" on The Simpsons LOL!

    Seriously, do what you got to do. I say you SHOULD go on a book tour! Go for it! And don't shave your legs, dammit!

  4. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I just got your book in the mail from Amazon and I look forward to reading it!

    Thank you for all the work you do to uncover all the BS that the religious right says about our community.

  5. Thanks anonymous,

    and by all means please let me know what you think of it ;p
