Tuesday, October 23, 2007

This just in: Donnie McClurkin evades the issue

Donnie McClurkin has finally gone on record regarding the controversy with presidential candidate Barack Obama's concert this weekend in South Carolina. Obama has come under fire for inviting McClurkin, who has claimed that he is an "ex-gay."

McClurkin addresses the situation in the Chicago Tribune. But, at least in my mind, Mr. McClurkin's statements raises more questions. I think he is evading the issue:

"I don't believe that even from a religious point of view that Jesus ever discriminated toward anyone, nor do I," McClurkin said in an exclusive interview with the Tribune. "Most of the things that were said were totally out of context and then other things weren't true."

. . . For years, McClurkin has talked from the pulpit about how he was raped by a male family member as a child. It was that act, he has said, that sent him into living as a gay man for the better part of 20 years. He now says he is straight and that his ministry is open to those who say they no longer want to live as a gay person. What he doesn't do, he says, is crusade against homosexuality.

McClurkin conveniently did not mention his statements on the 700 Club that accused gays of harming children. As far as I know, he has never repudiated the following comment:

"The gloves are off and if there's going to be a war, there's going to be a war. But it will be a war with a purpose? I'm not in the mood to play with those who are trying to kill our children."

Mr. McClurkin, as they say in the street, you need to recognize.

Your evasions are foul and they put your credibility in serious jeopardy.


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    What was the quote?

    I know this is going to sound pedantic, but I really do feel a need for accurate reporting.

    I've seen this version:

    "The gloves are off," he said on the Sept. 23, 2003 episode of Rev. Pat Robertson's 700 Club. "And if there's going to be a war, there's going to be a war. But it will be a war with a purpose. This is not a privately funded school. It is a public school funded by taxpayers' money. Why isn't anyone else speaking out? Everyone knows that everyone at the high school is homosexual. That makes for an easy target."

    And I've seen this version:

    "The gloves are off and if there's going to be a war, there's going to be a war. But it will be a war with a purpose? I'm not in the mood to play with those who are trying to kill our children."

    Are these separate incidents where he said approximately the same thing, or are these the same quote presented in different ways? If so, what was omitted or rewritten in each, and what did he really say? What was he talking about?

  2. I agree.

    McClurkin was talking about gays and children. Go here for the actual transcript. It is downloaded: http://www.goodasyou.org/good_as_you/2007/10/mcclurkin-i-was.html

  3. It sounds to me exactly how some Hitler followers were saying about the Jews "if they want a war, they'll get it, and they'll lose", or something to that effect - when it was the nazi's who were the ones waging this "war" against the Jews - not the other way around!

    That closet queen wanted a war, and now he's finally getting it.
