Monday, December 17, 2007

Spotlight on a good cause

From time to time, I will be spotlighting sites and people who are fighting the anti-gay industry. I would be remiss if I caused anyone to think that little ole me is the only one in the mix.

There are others. And they have been at it longer and are more skilled than I am.

Wayne Besen is one of them. He is the author of Anything But Straight, the definitive book detailing the lies of the "ex-gay" movement.

He is also head of Truth Wins Out:

a non-profit think tank and educational organization that counters right wing disinformation campaigns, debunks the “ex-gay” myth, and provides accurate information about the lives of GLBT people. Our work includes:

Providing opposition research on the “ex-gay” myth
Discrediting right wing propaganda
Educating America about the GLBT community

The main vehicle the anti-gay industry uses to launder their lies is the so-called “ex-gay” ministries. The far right exploits these groups in an effort to present their disdain for gay people in the guise of love. However, this embrace of re-closeted homosexuals is no more than a veiled attempt to deny GLBT people equality under the law.

TWO’s vision is to create a world where the right wing is held accountable for their factual distortions and the “ex-gay” ministries are exposed as one of the greatest hoaxes in American history. We firmly believe in the principle that leaving the “Big Lie” unchallenged invites prejudice to prosper, falsehoods to flower and fiction to be confused with fact. TWO stands for the idea that education will overcome ignorance and truth will one day triumph.

At the present moment, Besen is having a holiday fundraiser in order to combat more lies of the "ex-gay" movement. Check it out.

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