Monday, June 23, 2008

Hot mess in Irmo

The school board met regarding the GSA and other clubs. And if they thought their decision ended this thing, they are wrong.

It's too early to tell the repercussions, but here is what I do know courtesy of WIS TV:

A South Carolina school district has voted to allow all student clubs rather than risk a lawsuit by banning a gay-friendly student organization.

But another part of the policy approved Monday night by the Lexington-Richland School District 5 school board gives parents the option of not letting their minor children participate in any school club.

Another provision prohibits student clubs from discussing sexually explicit topics in keeping with the district's abstinence-based curriculum.

First of all, the second provision is irrelevant. Supporters of the GSA (myself included) have said all along that having the GSA doesn't necessarily mean that members will talk about sexual related matters.

Now the permission slips situation is another matter all together. Parents will be given a handout listing all the clubs and will be able to pick and choose which clubs to opt their children out of.

I don't agree with this because some students are not able to come out to their parents. I have heard of situations where children coming out to their parents have been beaten and kicked out of their homes.

Permission slips do not solve the problem. They are a very cynical way of sidestepping the Equal Access Act. In the long run, those who need the GSA will be denied.

This point was brought home during the newscast. A parent whose child attends one of the schools was interviewed. She was not happy with district allowing the GSA but she does like the idea of permission slips.

Her story gets better.

Apparently, her son is gay but she will not allow him to join the GSA. She said that they have been through counseling and continue to work through the issue.

I hope the irony of this doesn't escape anyone.

My prayers are with her child and her. Hopefully one day she will realize that the very thing she denies her son is what can keep him grounded and alive.

And I hope that one day, the people in my state will stop focusing on nonsense like "I Believe" license plates and saying that they are good people and start acting like it for a change.

1 comment:

  1. I guess by minor child, they mean the age of 18? We will have to wait and see what kind of success the club is at Irmo High School.

    I can only hope the teenager mentioned in the article is receiving good counseling about his sexuality. But, for some reason, I doubt it.

    Andre Bauer, our lead-footed, Lt-Governor was behind the Christian license tags. He was a happy supporter of the only really anti-gay candidate this primary season, Mike Huckabee.
