Saturday, November 22, 2008

The religious right lies again - This time about 'Bash Back'

The "gays are threatening Christians and rioting in the streets' lie that have come from the religious right since the Proposition 8 vote is slowly but surely coming apart.

First they claim that gays attacked a 69-year-old woman and ripped a cross from her hand. But more details (I wrote a post about it two days ago) make the story a bit more complex.

Then they claimed that gays mailed suspicious white powder to Mormon temples in Utah. This was a blatant lie because no one determined just WHO mailed the white powder. To automatically blame the gay community for this was wrong.

Now comes the truth behind the "Bash Back" story.

According to the religious right and their cohorts (like Michelle Malkin), a radical gay group, Bash Back, invaded a church in Michigan, pulled a fire alarm, and disrupted services:

“Worshippers at a Bible-teaching church in Lansing, Mich., were stunned Sunday when members of a pro-homosexual, pro-anarchy organization named Bash Back interrupted their service to fling propaganda and condoms around the sanctuary, drape a profane banner from the balcony and feature two lesbians making out at the pulpit.”

To be clear, Bash Back is a wildcat group having nothing to do with the lgbt rights movement in general. Having said that, the following is what police say really happened:

Officials from the Eaton County Sheriff’s Department and the Delta Township Fire Department are contradicting media reports about an anti-conservative protest held at a Lansing evangelical church last Sunday.

The protest — according to reports from the media, the church and the protesters — was held both inside and outside Mount Hope Church on Nov. 9, during which someone is alleged to have pulled a fire alarm inside the church.

However, a spokesman for the Delta Township Fire Department, which covers fire issues in the area, said today the department had not received any fire alarm calls nor did they respond to one in the area of the church on Sunday.

And what about those nasty acts inside the church:

Eaton County Sheriff’s Lt. Jeff Warder said that when two officers were called to the scene for “disorderly persons,” they found protesters on the public sidewalk.

“They were picketing,” Warder said. “The church security people came out, the pastor contacted the deputies and told us we want them off our property. We had to tell them they [the protesters] were on public property.”

After further discussion with protesters, it was determined some had parked in the church’s parking lot. Officers directed that the vehicles be removed from the lot, or the owners could face trespassing charges for retrieving them if police had to return. The protest broke up as a result of that, according to the sheriff.

Warder said that at no time did the church inform officers of the disruption inside the church and that no charges were filed. He also said that there was no criminal investigation and that the church had declined to file any formal complaints.

Mount Hope’s Williams declined to answer additional questions about the protest.

I will be placing the lie about this incident and others on my Anti-Gay Lies and Liars webpage. Next week, I intend to create a post detailing the lies behind these "evil gays are rioting" myths that the religious right are creating.

No doubt they are trying to create a talking point just in time for the Obama Administration in an attempt to derail any pro-gay legislation.

How convenient.


  1. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Awesome blog! I love how you thoroughly debunked the right-spin on this alleged church disruption.

    I read several of your recent posts and very much appreciate you critical analysis, balance, and insights.

    I've subscribed. :)

    All the Best,


  2. Thank you. I'm tired of the "we're so persecuted" nonsense from the RRRW. They're master liars and manipulators, and unless they have something on videotape I would be inclined to disbelieve it.

  3. They have video tape that they made public that showed a bit of it, but who cares I'm local and that church sucks and no one takes them seriously.

  4. But the sad thing is that someone like Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee or Michelle Malkin can appear on the O'Reilly Factor unopposed and repeat the lie withouth correction.

    Pretty soon, you have an echo chamber instead of truth.
