Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just a few news briefs before inauguration fever sets in . . .

Groups criticize survey supporting gay military ban - It turns out that a recent poll from Army Times magazine that supports a gay military ban is faulty. No kidding. Of course this revelation means nothing to our friends Elaine Donnelly, Peter LaBarbera, or the folks at One News Now.

Hate Crimes Legislation Induces Right Wing Paranoia - There they go again.

Short gain = more spousal benefits for same-sex couples - This piece typifies just how nasty and coldhearted some members of the religious right can be. They don't even want lgbts to have the right to leave spousal benefits to our partners on the event of death. I said some members because of the comments section. The nastiness of FRC's Peter Sprigg in this article causes the commentators to call him out. It's unbelievable.

Fact: Porter Gets Fringier By the Day - This is an old post, but it deserves more attention. Barack Obama is literally driving Janet Folger Porter bonkers. It's like a 21st century remake of The Story of Adele H.

And now - the worst commercials in the history of commercials - Look for gay themes in this if you want. Why am I including it? Because I want you to suffer through it like I did when I was a child.


  1. Groups criticize survey supporting gay military ban

    Let the record show that I was there first. ;-)

  2. BTW - I added you to my blogroll, Matt ;p

  3. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Ow ow ow ow ow. That commercial hurt. How did you survive as a child?

  4. Believe it or not, I shut my ears and ran out of the room every time it came on.
