Monday, January 26, 2009

Matt Barber attacks an educator for doing her job

Matt Barber of the Liberty Counsel seems to be positioning himself as the go-to anti-gay spokesperson of the religious right.

I bet Peter LaBarbera would love that.

Several times, Barber has been throwing himself in the limelight to comment on things such as President Obama's embracing of lgbt rights and this recent situation in which he criticizes a Wisconsin English teacher's fight against homophobia:

According to, Sarah Arnold created the curriculum called "Exposing Hidden Homophobia" when she noticed what she calls "anti-gay undertone[s]" in student conversations. The regimen asked students to examine depictions of homosexuality in mass media, to view numerous homosexual-themed films, and read pro-homosexual books and novels. Arnold even issued questionnaires to the students that featured questions that are commonly asked of homosexuals but instead were given to heterosexuals, such as "When did you decide to become heterosexual?"

Nothing wrong with that, is there? Except of course in Barber's eyes:

Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel says the program is really intended to indoctrinate children into thinking that homosexual behavior is okay. "The term 'homophobia' is a made-up term, made up by homosexual activists, that has no scientific value, no clinical value whatsoever," he contends. "It's merely a propaganda term."

Barber, who has absolutely no training or expertise in this sort of thing, seems to think that he can prognosticate why Ms. Arnold chose to create the course. It's a part of the big homosexual agenda conspiracy, he says.

God forbid she, as an educator, notices how her students are saying ugly things with anti-gay undertones.

God forbid she, as an educator, takes steps to divert a potential situation in which a child is being bullied.

And God forbid, she, as an educator, takes proactive steps to prevent a potential situation in which violence may be the outcome.

All that seems to matter to Barber is that students can't be permitted to say ugly anti-gay words without recourse.

Friends, Barber typifies the lunacy and hysteria of the religious right.

A little note to Barber and company - everything that is pro-gay need not be taken as an attack or an assault on you or your beliefs. We occupy this nation too and we have a right to take steps to ensure safety in our homes and in our schools.

We have a right to protect our children.

And if an educator wants to help us with this, then that educator should be given a medal, rather than be made the central figure in a conspiracy theory sprung from a bad X-Files episode.

BTW - here is a better article regarding the situation.

1 comment:

  1. "The term 'homophobia' is a made-up term, made up by homosexual activists, that has no scientific value, no clinical value whatsoever," he contends. "It's merely a propaganda term."

    So is "racist," but would he say that labeling someone as a racist is propaganda?
