Friday, February 20, 2009

Chris Buttars needs to get off of the cross - he brought it all on himself

Utah legislator Chris Buttars lost his committee chairmanship today after anti-gay comments he made to a documentary filmmaker. He of course took the tone of a martyr:

In recent years, registering opposition to the homosexual agenda has become almost impossible. Political correctness has replaced open and energetic debate. Those who dare to disagree with the homosexual agenda are labeled “haters,” and “bigots,” and are censured by their peers.

The poor thing. What exactly did he say again?:

Homosexuality will always be a sexual perversion. And you say that around here now and everybody goes nuts. But I don’t care.”

…”They’re mean. They want to talk about being nice. They’re the meanest buggers I have ever seen.”

And just seconds later, Buttars draws a comparison between some gays and radical Muslims. “It’s just like the Muslims. Muslims are good people and their religion is anti-war. But it’s been taken over by the radical side.”

…Buttars: “What is the morals of a gay person? You can’t answer that because anything goes.”

And finally, this is how senator Buttars refers to the “radical gay movement.” “They’re probably the greatest threat to America going down I know of.”

What Buttars did was conduct unbecoming of an elected official. It's one thing to think that homosexuality is a sin, but his comments were something altogether different.

Buttars isn't being called to the carpet because of a "gay agenda." He is being called to the carpet because he let his mouth speak before his brain had time to tell his mouth to shut up.

If he had said the same thing about women, or Jewish people, or those of another religon or African-Americans, I really don't think he would be getting as much sympathy.

And it leads me to ask this question - Why is it that some people feel that they can say anything negative about lgbts and then try to gain sympathy when they are criticized for it?

Is it that much of open season on lgbts that we have to allow ourselves to be disrespected in ways that no other group would?

This has nothing to do with "opposing the gay agenda." It has to do with respect and no matter how you feel on the issue, no group should have to sit and allow themselves to be disrespected.

Buttars needs to get off of the cross and take his lumps like a man.


  1. Anonymous6:54 PM

    This man is not on a cross. The man on the cross was divine and loved everyone. It is important to remember that. This man is spouting his personal ignorance not anything from God.

  2. Excellent point! Thank you for that ;p

  3. Mr. Buttars should be totally ashamed of not only himself but the rest of the Republican leadership, not only in Utah but nationwide.

    These are the people who are responsible for the party's demise and the country's failures. The rest of us would be so much better off if they would just quit bullshitting themselves, and us, and own up to the fact that they screwed this country up.

    Then maybe they can change for the better and we could all move on.

  4. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Didn't he spew some racist garbage 6 months ago?

  5. the "black baby" comment. yeah. his mouth runs like a sieve. Bad for him but good for us
