Friday, February 06, 2009

A lesson in evasion brought to you by One News Now.

But first, some news briefs to tide you over on this Friday.

Gay lawmaker says she was left off family committee in Missouri

Obama's faith-based council includes openly gay appointee

Fundie message to young people of color: thou shalt not master your domain

And now, my friends, I present to you the difference between good report and partisan spearing:
From One News Now - Hilda Solis - another 'taxing' embarrassment for Obama?

From Reuters UK - Obama labor secretary-nominee faces tax questions

Now the issue in question has to do with tax liens put on the business of Solis's husband.

This is how Reuters UK addressed the issue:

The White House indicated Solis was in a different category, with spokesman Robert Gibbs saying she was not involved in her husband's business and should not be punished for the tax lapse.

"We reviewed her tax returns and her tax returns are in order," Gibbs said. "She's not a partner in that business, so we're not going to penalize her for her husband's business mistakes."

Asked if Solis' husband paid the taxes at the prompting of the White House, Gibbs said: "I think he paid the liens back because he owed the taxes. ... The White House believes that if you owe taxes, you should pay them. But at the same time, this obviously is a business that she's not a partner in and we're not going to hold her responsible for."

This is what One News Now says about the issue:

Hans von Spakovsky, a visiting legal scholar at The Heritage Foundation, says it is hard to believe Solis was not aware of the tax liens while she was profiting from her husband's business.

"I think there is a problem when we have a recurring pattern here. You know, she says that she doesn't know about these tax problems. She also failed to reveal on those same disclosure forms that she was the treasurer of this outside organization, which I think is kind of a little bit difficult for her to not remember or really claim she made a mistake," he contends. "If it wasn't a recurring pattern, there might be more credibility to that claim -- but I think this is an accumulating problem that she has."

There is no word on whether or not One News Now even tried to seek a response from the Obama Administration.

Also, I find it highly ironic who the phony news site chooses as a legimate person to cite in this article. Spavoksky isn't exactly an objective individual.

But apparently he is adequate enough for One News Now.

The state of Christianity in this country is SAD.

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