Friday, February 20, 2009

Religious right attacking United American Families Act through semantics

Yesterday, Peter LaBarbera referred to a certain bill as the "Foreign Homosexual Lovers Importation Act of 2009."

This bill is actually called the “United American Families Act” and it would make a small change to existing immigration law to close a loophole barring gay and lesbian Americans in committed relationships with foreign partners from sponsoring their partner for a green card. These same-sex binational couples are denied the right that opposite-sex couples have been afforded for decades - the right to legally keep their families together in the United States.

LaBarbera's inaccurate and very rude phrasing of the bill (Foreign Homosexual Lovers Importation Act of 2009) seems to be the first step in trying to defeat it - i.e. branding the bill as something negative.

I sincerely doubt that LaBarbera has thought of this on his own. Someone has looked at this bill and reduced it to a single factoid - those homosexuals don't have stable relationships. They just want to use this law to try and force acceptance for their lifestyle.

Now comes the press releases and the news articles from places like One News Now, Lifesite and World Net Daily.

Then comes the one-sided radio shows brought to you by Focus on the Family and the Liberty Counsel.

And let's not forget the television talk shows, conservative columnists, and blogs.

Not bad in terms of planning.

Not very Christian either, but I guess it doesn't matter.

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