Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Show me the difference between the rhetoric - I dare you

Is it just me or is the opposition getting more and more hysterical.

This flyer to the left is from a group in Utah, America Forever.
It's a vile piece of mess that exploits every anti-gay stereotype there seems to be (including the Michael Swift life). And also, don't think I didn't notice that the couple pictured is interracial. I guess a little racism on the side never hurts.

Just ugly. And the section in the flyer comparing lgbt openess in the workplace to sexual conduct is especially offensive to me.

For the record, I am open about my orientation at work. On my office wall, I hang an award I received in 2007 from the local lgbt community center as the Harriet Hancock Volunteer of the Year.

I received this award for many efforts, including taking part in a Richland County Sheriff Department committee that looked at how law enforcement can better serve lgbt communities. I also took part in panel discussions on college campuses about lgbt issues.

None of this has anything to do with sodomy, except for in the mind of a homophobe.

But you know what - let's make things more interesting. Take a look at words of this email I received from the Family Research Council:

Please stand with me now and send an immediate donation to help Family Research Council fight back

February 17, 2009 Share with Friends

Dear Alvin,

President Barack Obama has unveiled his massive plan to silence the moral voices of America and reshape our country. He calls it "The Agenda."

Please stand with me now and send an immediate donation to help Family Research Council fight back.

Obama says we are divisive--because we object to immoral and dangerous behavior.

He implies that we are not patriotic--because we won't compromise our values to suit the radical advocates of the homosexual agenda.

We must be silenced, the Left says, and "The Agenda" lays out their plans to do that.

Hate crimes laws that could lead to penalties for Christians who publicly criticize homosexual behavior

Employment laws forcing businesses, even churches, to hire homosexuals (and indoctrinate employees)

Abolish the federal Defense of Marriage Act and other laws against counterfeit marriage

Yet most Americans disagree with the President's extremist views. Most want to:

Preserve the biblical definition of marriage

Be free to voice their concerns and Christian values

Protect schoolchildren from indoctrination that promotes dangerous sexual behavior

If we work together--we can stop "The Agenda."

Dozens of new congressional Democrats in Congress now represent moderate and conservative districts. They--and most Republicans--are open to our concerns.

Your prayerful support enables FRC policy experts to educate citizens and these members of Congress who can stop this disastrous plan.

So please send your most generous gift immediately. The radical homosexual activists have a champion in the White House, and they are demanding action.

Thank you for standing for faith, family and freedom. It is an honor to serve alongside you in this critical hour for our nation.

It's the same set of lies put out by America Forever, only done in a "nicer" way. If FRC is being attacked by President Obama, then their claims about the desires of "radical gay activists" give him and others who criticize them more than enough reason.

No matter how you dress it up, you never can totally disguise the smell of trash.

The religious right claims that they are only trying to perserve their beliefs and heritage but if these things they believe in entails stigmatizing lgbt relationships and reducing the dignity of our lives to ignorant stereotypes then I really wonder if their beliefs and heritage are worth perserving.

Because whatever these beliefs are, it's not the Christianity I grew up to respect.

Lies, inneundoes, and fear tactics have nothing to do with Christianity or any religious beliefs.


  1. I absolutely love that you are on the FRC's mailing list. Have they caught on yet?

  2. Yeah they know because I always send them a nice disagreeable note to what they send me. I don't think they will take me off though. They can count me as a "member." - Unlike Town Hall who took me off of their mailing list after I kept disagreeing (in a nice way) with their columnist, particularly Kevin McCullough.
