Monday, March 02, 2009

Monday news briefs

Michelle Malkin: I hope Obama fails.

Santorum At CPAC: ‘Absolutely We Hope That’ Obama Fails, ‘I Believe His Policies Will Fail’

Tom DeLay Channels Limbaugh: I Want Obama To Fail

Limbaugh Responds To Sanford: The ‘Hell We Don’t’ Want Obama To Fail! Just Need ‘The Guts’ To Say So

What a difference a new president makes. I can remember the hell the Dixie Chicks went through for daring to make a comment about President Bush. Hypocrisy is definitely an emotion devoid of shame.

Christian school showing film about homosexual agenda - Last week, I highlighted a vile 1986 comic book that demonized the lgbt community. The post got a lot of attention and probably a lot of laughter. But be aware that the same tactics are still being used even though there seems to be a shift. The religious right is slowly creeping away from the "homosexuality is a dangerous lifestyle" lie to the "gays want to silence Christians" lie. And while the lies are different, the way they are pushed (via ignorant crowds of people in church settings) remain the same.

This film is filled with same lies and inaccurate anecdotes religious right organizations have been telling repeatedly to make it seem that gays are trying to harm Christians.

And what galls me about it the most? Those who are showing the film are trying to beat back an
anti-discrimination ordinance:

The Kalamazoo City Commission in December adopted an anti-discrimination ordinance, extending protections to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals in the areas of employment, housing and public accommodation.

The commission later rescinded the ordinance after opponents filed petitions that could have forced an election over the issue. The commission is aiming to craft a compromise ordinance. A three-member commission subcommitee plans to host a public meeting on the issue at 7 p.m. March 9 at the Kalamazoo Public Library, 315 S. Rose St.

Kalamazoo County Treasurer Mary Balkema, who submitted the petitions opposing the ordinance, said such a law would have ``unintended negative consequences.''

``It is very important that the public be informed about the issue itself and about the possible ramifications of adopting the proposal,'' Balkema said.

Scaring people about an alleged gay agenda in order to beat back an anti-discrimination ordinance? Some things never change.

The only thing Buttars did wrong was open his trap about the homos, say lawmakers - If lawmakers agree with Chris Buttars's comments, then why are they stripping him of his posts. I despise homophobia but I can't stand homophobic cowardice.

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